Certificate in TEFL



Price on request


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  • Methodology


  • Class hours


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Course programme

The LTTC Certificate in TEFL is now available for fast entry into a career in teaching English as a foreign language - 60 hours approx. Designed for those in a hurry, this initial qualification will put you on the road to getting that first job. The certificate can be completed as little as 10 days but covers the same syllabus as the full teaching qualification (Diploma in TESOL) but in less depth. You can begin whenever you want to and finish at your own convenience.

You are assigned a personal tutor as soon as you enrol, who will give you help and guidance through the course as well as mark your assignments and give you personal feedback.

Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language


Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language


The 'Natural Way'


Terms and definitions
Countable and uncountable nouns
Verbs; Modal and auxiliary

Teaching and Learning Grammar

Presenting a structure
Grading language
Mistakes and correction
Recycling language
Practice and Production

Teaching vocabulary

Words and sentences
Using dictionaries
Choosing vocabulary
How to teach vocabulary

Teaching Productive skills; Speaking and Writing

Accuracy vs. Fluency
Communication activities
The stages of writing
Correction techniques

Teaching receptive skills; Listening and reading

Different types of listening skills
Teaching listening skills
The stages of reading
Reading activities and materials

Materials and aids

Using flashcards, pictures and regalia
How to organize the board
Using the overhead projector
The use of video
Authentic materials

Teaching Pronunciation

The phonetic chart
Stress, rhythm and intonation
Mother tongue interference
Practical activities

Lesson Planning

Teaching different types of classes
Pair and group work
The contents of a lesson
The stages of a lesson


Teaching young learners and teenagers

Basic principles
Teaching on holiday course
Practical activities and lesson types

Discounts and offers

Please note that discounts and offers are exclusive. Only one discount or offer can be chosen per enrolment

- 10% discount for those on unemployment benefit or with student status. Please note: This does NOT apply to courses under £100 or weekend courses.

- 50% discount on cheaper course when two or more people enrol together!! Please note: This does NOT apply to courses under £100 or weekend courses.

- 15% discount when one person enrols onto two courses!! Please note: This does NOT apply to courses under £100 or weekend courses.

Certificate in TEFL

Price on request