Growly Dog



Price on request


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The lessons will focus on desensitising your dog to their triggers so that those triggers are less anxiety inducing, as well as teaching your dog new coping behaviours to use during times of stress. Suitable for: This Wags and Bones class is for dogs who are over reactive to other dogs or people while on the lead.

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Course programme

Growly Dog Class

Timetable: 9-10pm

Does your dog growl or lunge when you go past other dogs on walks?

Have you given up on the idea of taking your dog to training classes because you think he won't be able to handle being near other dogs?


This Wags and Bones class is for dogs who are over reactive to other dogs or people while on the lead. The lessons will focus on desensitising your dog to their triggers so that those triggers are less anxiety inducing, as well as teaching your dog new coping behaviours to use during times of stress. Being the handler of a reactive dog is difficult, embarrassing and isolating. You will learn important handling skills to minimise the likelihood of your dog reacting. We will also go over how to read your dog's body language.

As you and your dog progress, we will continue training with other dogs in closer proximity and will introduce greater levels of obedience as well as desensitise to higher levels of distractions.

Growly Dog

Price on request