From the 1880s to the 1930s: how the new East End was born


In London

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As London’s first major manufacturing area, the East End became a magnet for people looking for work not just from other parts of Britain but for immigrants and refugees too. But the late 19th century writer JH Mackay described the area as “the hell of poverty”. The people of the East End worked and campaigned to change their economic circumstances, thier neighbourhoods and their cultural environment. Libraries, theatres and art galleries were established, social housing was built, trade unionists took strike action, and councillors went to prison. Several prominent women were among the motivators of change. This course charts those changes decade by decade through six walks in different parts of the East End and two class-based sessions.



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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

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About this course

Identify the main ways in which the East End changed over these decades
List some key individuals who initiated campaigns and processes of change
Describe the impact of some of these changes on the local area and its population.

There are no additional costs. Any visits to specific venues will be free. You will need to wear comfortable walking shoes, appropriate clothing for the likely temperature outdoors, an umbrella for days when the weather is less predictable and a
bottle of water for refreshment. You may wish to bring a pen and notebook to take your own notes.

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  • Art
  • Trade
  • Housing

Course programme

The walks will follow a consecutive chronological pattern, one decade at a time. Each walk will focus on particular theme for a particualer decade. Walkk one will be the 1880s, walk 2 the 1890s, and so on. The walks will include issues such as immigration, housing, social reformers, the First World War, suffragettes etc.".

An initial lecture/workshop will set the background scene for the period we will study, and the places where we will be walking. This will be followed by a series of walking tours focusing on specific issues, initiatives, individuals and movement. On each tour you will receive an information handout summarising key points. Students will be encouraged to ask questions on the walks and raise discussion points. The final session will be classroom based. It will draw together threads from the different walks to consolidate knowledge gained and draw conclusions form the learning. No work is required outside of class although you will be directed to additional reading that you may wish to undertake.

Additional information

Any of the London history courses or guided walks starting in September. Please see the City Lit website for further details. General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00. See the course guide for term dates and further details

From the 1880s to the 1930s: how the new East End was born

£ 139 VAT inc.