

£ 50 VAT exempt


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to teach a layperson to effectively and safely use an Automated Defibrillator in a cardiac arrest situation, and provide effective CPR. Suitable for: Businesses, schools, Doctors, sports clubs, rescue groups, or anyone interested in learning a life saving skill

About this course

no previous skill required

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Course programme

The ability to provide early defibrillation during a cardiac arrest situation is unquestionably a potentially life saving skill, and is proven to offer the best chance of survival for a casualty. As a result Automated Defibrillators are now common place in factories, shopping centres, airports and many other public areas. This short course can provide the student with the necessary skills to operate an AED , provide CPR, and potentially restore a heart beat in a casualty who has collapsed ans a result of a cardiac arrest.

It can take many precious minutes for an ambulance to reach a casualty, no matter where you are, having the ability to provide defibrillation can mean the difference between life and death. We can supply the Zoll AED+ which is the only AED that can "talk " you through the whole process of CPR and measure the effectiveness of chest compressions. This AED is cheaper than you may think, running on commonly available "Duracell" type batteries with a 5 year shelf life and pads that have a similar life span this must rank amongst the most affordable AED on the market...

AED Training

£ 50 VAT exempt