Archaeology and the Ancient World

Bachelor's degree

In Providence (USA)

£ 6001-7000


  • Type

    Bachelor's degree

  • Location

    Providence (USA)

The concentration in Archaeology and the Ancient World provides an opportunity to explore the multi-faceted discipline of archaeology while examining the critical early civilizations of the so-called "Old World" that is, the complex societies of the Mediterranean, Egypt, and Ancient Western Asia.



Start date

Providence (USA)
See map
Providence, RI 02912

Start date

On request

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  • Archaeology

Course programme

Students will learn about the art, architecture, and material culture of the ancient world, exploring things of beauty and power, as well as the world of the everyday. Concentrators will also learn "how to do" archaeology - the techniques of locating, retrieving and analyzing ancient remains - and consider how material culture shapes our understanding of the past. Concentrators are encouraged to pursue research opportunities through summer fieldwork, museum experience, or independent study projects.

Archaeology and the Ancient World

£ 6001-7000