A.B. Astrophysical Sciences

Bachelor's degree

In Princeton (USA)

Price on request


  • Type

    Bachelor's degree

  • Location

    Princeton (USA)

The Department of Astrophysical Sciences (link is external)offers an outstanding program for astrophysics majors with the flexibility to accommodate students with a broad range of interests. Many of our majors plan to continue in graduate school in astrophysics. For students with career goals in other areas such as science education, science policy, space exploration, as well as law, medicine, finance, and teaching, we offer a flexible choice of courses and research projects. The department covers all major fields in astrophysics -- from planets, to black holes, stars, galaxies, quasars, dark matter, dark energy, and the evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to today. The relatively small size of the department provides an informal, flexible, and friendly setting for students. The department is known for providing strong and supportive mentorship to all students, for cutting-edge independent research done by students for their JPs and theses, as well as for the warm and amiable atmosphere. Full accessibility to all faculty members and to the excellent departmental facilities, including our on-campus and remote telescopes and sophisticated computer system, is provided.



Start date

Princeton (USA)
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On request

About this course

Mathematics 201, 202 or equivalent, and Physics 205 or 207; Astrophysical Sciences 204 is strongly recommended.

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  • GCSE Physics
  • School
  • Astrophysics
  • Astronomy

Course programme

AST 203 The Universe Spring QR This specially designed course targets the frontier of modern astrophysics. Subjects include the planets of our solar system; the birth, life, and death of stars; the search for extrasolar planets and extraterrestrial life; the zoo of galaxies from dwarfs to giants, from starbursts to quasars; dark matter and the large-scale structure of the universe; Einstein's special and general theory of relativity, black holes, neutron stars, and big bang cosmology. This course is designed for the non-science major and has no prerequisites past high school algebra and geometry. High school physics would be useful. A. Spitkovsky, C. Chyba, D. Spergel

AST 204 Topics in Modern Astronomy Spring STN The birth and evolution of the stars; supernovae, neutron stars, and black holes; the formation, structure, and evolution of galaxies; cosmology, dark matter, dark energy, and the evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to today. Prerequisites: PHY 103 or 105 and MAT 103 or 104 or equivalent. Intended for students in the sciences. E. Ostriker

AST 205 Planets in the Universe Fall STN This is an introductory course in astronomy focusing on planets in our Solar System, and around other stars (exoplanets). The course starts with reviewing the formation, evolution and characterization of the Solar system. Following an introduction to stars, the course will then discuss the exciting new field of exoplanets; discovery methods, basic properties, earth-like planets, and extraterrestrial life. Core values of the course are quantitative analysis and hands-on experience, including telescopic observations. This STN course is designed for the non-science major and has no prerequisites past high school algebra and geometry. G. Bakos

AST 207 A Guided Tour of the Solar System (See GEO 207)

AST 255A Life in the Universe (See GEO 255A)

AST 255B Life in the Universe (See GEO 255B)

AST 301 General Relativity (also

PHY 321

) Fall STN
This is an introductory course in general relativity for undergraduates. Topics include the early universe, black holes, cosmic strings, worm holes, and time travel. Two 90-minute lectures. Prerequisites: MAT 201, 202; PHY 207, 208. Designed for science and engineering majors. J. Goodman

AST 303 Modeling and Observing the Universe: Research Methods in Astrophysics Not offered this year Introduces students to the techniques that astrophysicists use to model and observe the universe. The course will prepare students in research methods that will be used in their independent work in astrophysics. The techniques covered will be useful for students concentrating in any of the natural sciences. Topics include methods of observational astronomy, instruments and telescopes, statistical modeling of data, and numerical techniques. Two 90-minute lectures. Prerequisites: PHY 103-104, or PHY 105-106, and MAT 103-104, or permission of instructor. M. Strauss, J. Greene

AST 309 The Science of Fission and Fusion Energy (also

MAE 309


PHY 309


ENE 309

) Spring
We develop the scientific ideas behind fission and fusion energy. For fission we move from elementary nuclear physics to calculations of chain reactions, understanding how both reactors and nuclear weapons work. We examine safety and waste concerns, as well as nuclear proliferation. We look at new reactor concepts. For fusion we address the physics of confining hot, ionized gases, called plasmas. We address the control of large-scale instabilities and small-scale turbulence. We examine progress and prospects, as well as challenges, for the development of economically attractive fusion power. R. Goldston

AST 374 Planetary Systems: Their Diversity and Evolution (See GEO 374)

AST 401 Cosmology (also

PHY 401

) Spring
Topics include the properties and nature of galaxies, quasars, clusters, superclusters, the large-scale structure of the universe, dark matter, dark energy, the formation and evolution of galaxies and other structures, microwave background radiation, and the evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to today. Two 90-minute lectures. Prerequisites: MAT 201, 202; PHY 207, 208. Designed for science and engineering majors. N. Bahcall

AST 403 Stars and Star Formation (also

PHY 402

) Not offered this year
Stars form by the gravitational collapse of interstellar gas clouds, and as they evolve, stars return some of their gas to the interstellar medium; altering its physical state and chemical composition. This course discusses the properties and evolution of the gaseous and stellar components of a galaxy; the physics of the diffuse and dense interstellar medium, the theory and observations of star formation; stellar structure; energy production and nucleosynthesis; stellar evolution; and stellar end states. Two 90-minute lectures. Prerequisites: MAT 202; PHY 207, 208. B. Draine, A. Burrows

A.B. Astrophysical Sciences

Price on request