Better Outcomes in Adult Care

  • In Nottinghamshire

Reviews on Better Outcomes in Adult Care

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Our training consultants are professionally qualified and individually have in excess of 20 years operational experience in adult care settings, working in areas including; domiciliary services, residential services, assessment and care management services and providing training to the care workforce.

This high level of experience and expertise not only makes us passionate about what we do but also enables us to bring training to life. We explore with participants real dilemmas they encounter and add understanding to knowledge in order for participants to truly develop insight and want to achieve change.

Advantages of studying here

Our expertise lies in adult care and not purely a single strand of it, for this reason we are able to view service providers aims, needs and challenges as a whole. This enables the development of effective and efficient learning solutions which are organisationally responsive.

Our wealth of experience in learning and development has given us a real understanding of how to optimise peoples learning, assisting both organisation and course participant development.

Our creative approach enables us to truly bring training to life. Through the use of real examples and scenarios, which participants can easily relate to, we develop true understanding, increase knowledge and motivate people to want to achieve change.

Areas of specialisation

Adult care


Training consultancy committed to the development and delivery of meaningful, effective learning solutions for care providers based in the Midlands

Better Outcomes in Adult Care