

Customer service – A forgotten subject?

It’s October and summer vacation is a thing of the past already, until next year of course.  One of the things I am left with after summer vacation is usually “the customer service experience".  According to a report by…

Is Distance Education and Online Learning Right For You?

Distance education, sometimes referred to as Distance Learning can be summed up as a way of providing access and the ability to receive information when the source of the information as well as the learner are separated by distance.…

New Facebook Insights

We "Social Media Marketers" are always looking for new, better and more efficient ways to measure our campaigns that we launch through platforms like Twitter, Youtube or Facebook to name a few. Recently Facebook introduced a…

9 Months of Research Out The Window (5th Month)

Our team member Tanya has been blogging about all types of pregnancy questions that she has been facing during the first months of her current pregnancy. We get to follow her during her journey while she shares advices, concerns…

Ten Strategies for Effective Cross-Cultural Communication

  There is a saying that goes: 
In the US everything is allowed unless it’s prohibited. Then you go to Japan or Germany and it says: Everything is prohibited, unless it’s allowed. Finally you go to Latin America…

iPhone Apps For Students

iPhone apps are popular. We started this year by the announcement that 10 billion apps had been downloaded from Apple's app store and I remember reading last year in the Huffington Post that 99,8% of students have some type…
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