

What Should I Study in 2020?

New year, new resolutions. This is how we all plan to start the year, especially when it is also a new decade. If you are thinking about studying something new that will boost your career, in this blogpost we will tell you about…

Reception Academy explains what makes a perfect hotel experience!

What are hotel guests looking for? A room with a view? Easy booking processes? An on-site spa? Great artwork on the walls? A well-stocked mini bar?Every guest is individual, with different needs and expectations. But for all that…

Reception Academy reveals the secret to career success

While the hospitality Industry continues to grow, Reception Academy agreed to unveil all the important first step towards an exciting new career in this field. Accredited by the highly regarded Institute of Hospitality (IOH) and…

Heinz Bürki, and the fine art of Swiss hospitality.

After another busy intake in May, we took the time to catch up with IMI founder and owner Mr. Heinz Bürki. A former student of EHL hotel school in Lausanne, Mr. Bürki founded IMI with two partners in 1991 and has worked hard…