Bookbinding: learn to bind artists' books


In London

£ 299 VAT inc.


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This course is designed to develop your ideas using the book format. We will explore the relationship between the structure and the concept of the book by experimenting with simple print or mark making techniques and a range of book styles which will culminate in a unique hand-made book or small edition exploring sequence, narrative and space. You are encouraged to follow your own interests and the workshop format of the course will support the development of your ideas. There will be a mixture of group demonstrations and individual tutorial support and some of the demonstrations will be determined by student requirements.



Start date

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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

Start date

Different dates availableEnrolment now open

About this course

- Select and use appropriate materials
- Explain the importance of grain direction
- Make a range of book structures
- Practise simple print and other creative visual methods to produce content for books
- Demonstrate an understanding of the book structure in relation to its contents.

The bindery is equipped with most tools but you will be expected to provide your own personal hand tools.
Nothing need be bought before starting the course. A list of equipment and suppliers will be provided at the first lesson. The class has some materials which may be bought. It is expected that you will increasingly provide your own as your experience and individual requirements and preferences develop. Information and advice on materials will be provided as the course progresses.


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Course programme

You will be introduced to a range of interesting book structures; from simple folded books through to more complex multi-sectioned books. Using simple print methods such as mono print and rubber stamping and exploring the creative possibilities of collage, you will develop skills in both the production and design of a handmade book. This will enable you to develop your individual skills and creativity and the tools to create more complex and experimental bindings.

Additional information

Suitable follow on courses might include VD310 Gold tooling on paper, VD290 Paper engineering, VD317 Papercutting collage and design or VD311 Bindings in Acetate, acrylic and plastics as well as other City Lit bookbinding courses. Your tutor will be able to advise you. General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00. See the course guide for term dates and further details

Bookbinding: learn to bind artists' books

£ 299 VAT inc.