Business English Courses: 1-to-1

Private lessons

In London

Price on request


  • Type

    Private lessons

  • Location


  • Class hours


our business English courses may help with Accent reduction, Job interview preparation, General improvement and any other specific need > We prepare our students by improving their listening and speaking skills, and working on their general understanding of the language through essay writing! Suitable for: We teach general business English to those interested in being more competitive and effective in an English-speaking work environment. Whether it is to improve your formal written English or your listening and speaking skills, our head teacher will establish a programme tailored to your needs!



Start date

See map
25-27 Oxford Street -5th Floor, W1D 2DW

Start date

On request

About this course

Minimum age: 18 years old for the Business English Courses. All levels Courses from 1 week to a year: you choose the time and day of every class And the frequency of your classes.

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Course programme

Course review:

  • the first 30 minutes is a listening of the Business-focused dialogue to study - containing the grammar and lexicon of the day (which is 3 times the dialogue whilst looking at the definition of each key word/ or translation),
  • the following 10 minutes are dedicated to reading: through the grammar and dialogue. It is also a coffee break (on site: students make themselves a hot beverage in the kitchenette and take it through to the study room)
  • the following 40 minutes are a structured conversation 1-to-1 with a native teacher (this enables students to gain confidence, ask questions to the teacher related to pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary) - WE DON'T BELIEVE IN GROUPS for FAST results and tailored FEEBDBACK
  • the following 40 minutes is "grammar workshop" where everyone does the grammar exercises in a group of maximum 7 other people with a teacher available to explain and correct.

Additional information

Payment options: Business English Courses range from £189 to £619 depending on the length of the course, the frequency of the classes and your budget!

Business English Courses: 1-to-1

Price on request