Business Simulations


In Milton Keynes

Price on request


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  • Location

    Milton keynes

Each of our business simulations have their own objectives. Suitable for: those that need to know more about: Business finance. Strategic Decision Making. Managing Intangiable Assets. Project Management. Innovative thinking. the importance of Differentation

Important information


  • Business simulations
  • Cayenne - Project Management
  • Apples & Oranges - Business finance
  • Decision Base - Strategic Decisions
  • Tango - Managing Intangiable Assets
  • Medici - Innovative thinking
  • Livon - Differentiate or die



Start date

Milton Keynes (Bedfordshire)
4 Gershwin Court, mk78dd

Start date

On request

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Course programme

Business simulations

“People just don’t understand how their actions impact on our company’s performance. They work in stovepipes. They don’t understand how to make money. We don’t understand our costs. We are probably inefficient, if we knew how to measure our efficiency. The shareholders will be screaming at us soon. Our competitors are stealing a march on us every single day. We have a strategy, but we need everyone to be pulling in the same direction.”

Do any of these statements sound familiar?

They underpin what is a big agenda for so many managers and executives in lots of different organisations, both public and private. Surely we could not change and improve these areas overnight; training all our key people would take forever.

Or would it?

Our business simulations enable participants to learn the fundamentals underpinning strategic planning in marketing, production, product development and finance, and in managing the intangible assets in the organisation – the people, the knowledge, and the brand image.

By using highly interactive techniques and working in competitive teams, our simulations have been proven to deliver deep and enduring learning in all these areas – and in a fraction of the time that traditional training techniques take.

How does it work?

Our highly interactive simulations, such as Decision Base™ and Tango™ are run with groups of between 9 and 24 people over 2 to 3 days. In competing teams of 3-4 people, participants adopt specific roles and seek to run a successful business. Other simulations, such as Apples & Oranges™ run over a single day.

An integral component of each simulation is the time to explore and discuss application of the learning back into the organisation.

Additional information

Payment options: price on application

Business Simulations

Price on request