CACHE Endorsed - Partnership with Parents



£ 85 VAT inc.


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  • Duration

    1 Year

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As a parent, taking your child to nursery, pre-school or a local childminder can be a scary and overwhelmingly emotional prospect. However, for many parents, extra childcare providers are a necessity. Parents need to trust the childcare providers, and a healthy partnership needs to be established if it’s going to work well for all involved. Build Happy Partnerships The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework highlights the importance of partnership with parents, and you can probably agree with their statement that parents are the child’s ‘first and most enduring educators’. With the help of courses such as this one, early year’s practitioners can learn how to engage with parents to ensure a happy partnership for both parties. Remember, a partnership is a two-way process; parents need to be encouraged to share information and feedback, as practitioners should as a matter of course. Opinions Matter Opinions and voices matter and parental involvement is important to every childcare setting – even if they can’t be there as much as they’d like to be. As practitioners, or training practitioners, you need to embrace diversity and help to provide a collaborative environment so that children can shine and parents can trust in your services. Through completion of this course, you will learn some of the fundamental elements needed to ensure minimum standards are maintained and exceeded, and that partnerships with parents can flourish.



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  • Early Years

Course programme

This course is appropriate for early years practitioners working in a variety of childcare settings - particularly nurseries and pre-schools. Understand the importance of partnership with parents and learn about some of the ways in which practitioners can engage with parents and caregivers, while also demonstrating your commitment as an early years education provider.. Take a look at some of the ways in which home can be brought into the childcare setting, and vice versa.. Identify some of the reasons why people complain, and look at the legal requirements that mean childcare providers must respond to every parental concern or complaint, as well as investigate and record them. Help parents to realise that their views and opinions matter.. Learn how to make transitions between home and learning environments seamless and support continuity in a child’s learning journey.. Take a look at the EYFS 2008 Principles into Practice ‘Parents as Partners’ card. This should be available in your childcare setting, but can also be viewed online if necessary.. Understand more about attachment theory, and how establishing positive relationships between caregiver, parent and child can help to make the transition easier..

CACHE Endorsed - Partnership with Parents

£ 85 VAT inc.