Climate & Weather


In Melbourne (Australia)

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  • Location

    Melbourne (Australia)

  • Start date

    Different dates available

Entry requirements & Prerequisites This major is available through more than one course, both of which have their own separate entry requirements. You can read more on the the Bachelor of Science & Bachelor of Science Extended pages. Available through the Bachelor of Science & Bachelor of Science Extended



Start date

Melbourne (Australia)
See map
Parkville Street, VIC 3010

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Different dates availableEnrolment now open

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  • Climate

Course programme

Ever wondered what causes tsunamis or what is really happening to our ozone layer?

These and many other questions about the state of the planet will greatly challenge the way we live in the future. The Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences major will provide you with an understanding of how the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and land surfaces influence changes to our environment. You will learn about climate modelling and prediction, the role of principal wind and ocean current systems, and how these interact with the land surface to influence weather, climate and hence the environment.

Your studies will combine knowledge from a range of disciplines, from field-based studies to more theoretical aspects. You will also gain hands-on experience that will equip you for the workplace, through project work that requires careful time management and the clear communication of results.


This major will provide you with challenging research or career opportunities in the atmospheric and marine environment. Careers outside of research may include government roles in organisations such as the Bureau of Meteorology, EPA Victoria or the CSIRO. There is also potential for work in the aerospace industry and environmental management.

Climate & Weather

Price on request