Contributing effectively in meetings



Price on request


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Meetings are the largest unrecognised cost within any organisation. How many times have you sat in a meeting and spotted that you were not engaged with the subject matter of the meeting, or the individuals running it? Were you wasting your own (and others) time? How many times have you left a meeting, not knowing what you were supposed to take away from the meeting? How effectively.

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Course programme

Meetings are the largest unrecognised cost within any organisation. How many times have you sat in a meeting and spotted that you were not engaged with the subject matter of the meeting, or the individuals running it? Were you wasting your own (and others) time? How many times have you left a meeting, not knowing what you were supposed to take away from the meeting? How effectively did you contribute to the success of that meeting?
This short session aims to help those who struggle to make their point in-group meetings. It focuses on the lost opportunities: timing, fears, beliefs and old habits. It encourages learners to create clear, simple messages and deliver them in a confident and assertive manner. It explores how to question others effectively in order to put forward alternative ideas, or even when to negotiate out of a meeting altogether!
Those who attend the course will:
  • Become a more effective participant in meetings
  • Contribute to decision making, more effectively
  • Improve understanding and appreciation of colleagues and their issues
This interactive session will help you by:
  • Giving you the confidence to negotiate pre-meeting
  • Developing a clear and concise communication style
  • Re-evaluating existing habits (and beliefs) when in meetings
  • Finding the appropriate volume and tone for talking in meetings
  • Respectfully challenging the opinions and ideas of others
Want this session tailored to meet your exact needs?
Contact us for a bespoke detailed session outline, or to arrange a no obligation meeting.

Contributing effectively in meetings

Price on request