Developing Person Centred Teams and Implementing Planning



£ 2,800 + VAT


  • Type


  • Methodology


  • Duration

    4 Days

Suitable for: The training is designed for first line managers who have direct responsibility for the work of teams implementing person centred planning.

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Course programme

Experience has shown us that having a good person centred plan is not enough, the implementation of the plan is the key to people achieving the lives they want, as described in their plans. Facilitators have an important role to play but so do the managers who have responsibility for the teams implementing person centred planning. Good practice determines that we also apply the same principles inherent in person centred planning to the way we work with teams. This course is
about developing teams in a person centred way and will help managers identify their key responsibilities in the implementation process.

What does this course cover?

This is a four day course delivered over an 8 week period. The first two days are designed to provide participants with:

  • An introduction to what we mean by person centred teams and why they are needed.
  • An introduction to person centred team plans and how to develop them.
  • Some practical strategies for developing person centred teams.

Day 3 is held approximately four weeks later and Day 4 another four weeks after that. These days are designed to provide participants with:

  • An understanding of their responsibilities in implementing plans and provide them with practical strategies to do this.
  • Practical ways to develop team meetings and supervisions.
  • Person centred ways of handling risk.

Participants will be required to complete work in between training days.

Who is it for?
The training is designed for first line managers who have direct responsibility for the work of teams implementing person centred planning.
What will people be able to do as a result of attending this course?

  • Apply the principles of person centred planning to their teams and therefore develop person centred thinking and ways of working within their teams.
  • Develop a person centred team plan using a range of practical exercises.
  • Recognise their responsibilities in implementing person centred plans and lead their teams in the successful implementation of the plans for the people they are supporting.
  • Manage team meetings and supervisions in a person centred way.

• Manage risk in a person centred way.

Developing Person Centred Teams and Implementing Planning

£ 2,800 + VAT