
Short course

In Belgravia, London

Price on request


  • Type

    Short course

  • Location

    Belgravia, london

  • Duration

    1 Day

Suitable for: Managers and campaigning officers who need to know exactly what to do in order to create a formative and influential e-campaign. Anyone who needs to get up to speed on present day techniques in e-Campaigning.



Start date

Belgravia, London (London)
See map
Suite 49, 34 Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W 0RH

Start date

On request

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Course programme


If you need to take full advantage of recent advances in communication technology, to strategically increase the length and breadth of your campaigning activity, then this course is an ideal choice for you.

The e-Campaigning course sets out to explain, with clear examples, just what is achieveable in this new and developing realm. With examples of current best practice and tactical innovations, the course provides detailed professional guidance on how to execute a successful e-Campaigning strategy from start to finish. It provides step-by-step tips on how to best harness current technology and tried and tested techniques from across the Atlantic, helping you to maximise the overall effectiveness of your general campaigning activity. This course will look at what techniques we can advisably translate from America as well as provide key example of current best practice in e-campaigning activity.

Focusing on encouraging interaction and the use of fresh ideas plus an understanding of how to best use new methods; the course offers an activity based framework aimed at improving your organisations' capability to increase participation and interest from grass roots supporters to politicians alike.

The course will provide a unique insight into the subject matter by enhancing the knowledge of all those currently responsible for boosting awareness for specific campaigns. The course is filled with a selection of practical exercises aimed at bringing e-Campaigning to life.


Price on request