Economic theories


In London

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Throughout history many thinkers have tried to understand what goes on when human beings are working, producing, saving, investing and trading goods. What vision of the world allows them to irreversibly transform nature? What moral issues are raised when appropriating land and means of production, when setting prices and lending money? What are the social implications of wage labour, profits, taxes, foreign trade and investments, and globalisation? These questions are as relevant today as they were centuries ago. If economics is a science, it is far from settled. Many incompatible theories promise to deliver sustainable prosperity and achieve our wellbeing. The course will confront them. The course will offer students enough information to make their own judgments, whether these theories failed through some improper implementation, whether they remain little known, waiting for the right circumstances to be adopted, or whether they appear utopian and outlandish. Realism should not be confused with conformism. [Tutor: Christian Michel].



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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

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About this course

Get a deeper understanding of economics from discussing its main thinkers. Analyse the controversies about the current crisis by replacing the discourses and policies in their historical context. Gain confidence in engaging in these conversations.

There are no other extra costs. An open mind and a willingness to listen to opinions you do not always agree with are all that is needed to participate.

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Course programme

The course will review economic notions from authors as diverse as Aristotle, Biblical and Koranic scholars, the Scholastics, Mercantilists, Physiocrats, Classical liberals, Socialists and Marxists, anarchists, Keynesians, Monetarists, and Austrians (with glimpses of lesser known, but no less imaginative theories).

Clear visual presentations and group discussions will enliven each lesson. There will be no homework, but students with an email account will receive the slides and comments used in class, as follow-ups to the lessons.

Additional information

HB028 - Economics for humanists: basics about the economy (Term 2 starting in January 2018) HB030 - Introduction to economics (Term 3 starting in April 2018) HB011 - Global economy and finance (Term 3 starting in April 2018) HB011 - Global economy and finance HB030 - Introduction to economics. General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00. See the course guide for term dates and further details

Economic theories

£ 179 VAT inc.