EDI Level 2 Certificate in Drugs Awareness

Vocational qualification


Price on request


  • Type

    Vocational qualification

  • Methodology

    Distance Learning

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Course programme

Course Details

There are more than 30,000 people currently employed in specialist drug and alcohol related roles across the United Kingdom. Drugs awareness has become high profile in recent years and this has led to a growth in career opportunities within the drugs and alcohol sector.

The EDI level 2 Certificate in Drugs Awareness course will introduce you to use and misuse of drugs and teach you about drugs prevention and intervention.

The Drugs Awareness course will also teach you about both the general and the specific effects of drug use and how they affect society. You will also learn statistics on drug use and the risks of mixing drugs and about the ‘cycle of change'.

This course can benefit people in many different sectors, some of which are social and health care workers, the police force, the prison service, teachers, youth workers, community groups, parents/carers and workers in substance misuse agencies. The Drugs Awareness course isn't just limited to those wanting a career in that area, individuals can also do the course purely to improve their knowledge.


On completion of the course you will be awarded the EDI Level 2 Certificate in Drugs Awareness.

The Certificate will be achieved through a combination of continual assessment and a final written assessment. The continual assessment will be monitored via assignments. There are 4 study modules and at the end of each module you will complete an assignment. Your completed assignment is then sent to your personal tutor who will assess your progress and provide you with feedback.

EDI are a leading awarding organisation in the UK vocational sector. Being awarded the EDI Certificate in Drugs Awareness will boost your CV and job prospects with potential employers. Not only will it demonstrate you have the necessary skills to undertake a role involving drugs awareness, it also shows you are committed to your own self development.

Students are advised to check that the study path that they are following and the course they have chosen is going to lead to the correct qualification for the occupation they intend to use it in. Should you have any doubts you can get the relevant advice from local authorities and sector skills councils.

Study Plan

Module 1: Introduction to Drug Use; Depressants

The History of Drug Use
Drug Terms Used
The Main Drug Laws
Broad Drug Categories

Module 2: Stimulants, Hallucinogens, Tranquillisers

Stimulants - Caffeine, Amphetamines, Cocaine & Crack, Ecstasy
Hallucinogens - Magic Mushrooms, LSD
Tranquillisers - Benzodiazepines, including Rohypnol

Module 3: More Substances

Including Cannabis, Tobacco, Ketamine, Chocolate, Anabolic Steroids, Poppers (Nitrites), Solvents (Volatile Substances)

Module 4: Drug Use - various interventions

Drug Use in Society
Cycle of Change (Prochaska & Di Clemente)
Reducing Drug Use
Treatment Interventions
Some National Organisations

Study Details

As can be seen in the Study Plan section, the training is broken down into 4 modules. The course is designed so that each module will build on the subjects learnt in the previous sections. The ‘step by step' approach to learning means you can learn at your own pace and see your progress as you go through the course.

You will have four assignments to complete during the course. Once completed, you should submit these to your personal tutor for evaluation. This gives your tutor the opportunity to assess your progress and provide useful feedback to you. Please note, your course evaluation is based on your assignments.

EDI Level 2 Certificate in Drugs Awareness

Price on request