Education & International Education (MA)


In Liverpool

Price on request


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  • Duration

    12 Months

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* This course qualifies for the New £10,000 Postgraduate Loan Scheme (PGL)
The MA Education and International Education programme is designed for practising teachers, educators and others with a personal or professional interest in the field of education. The programme aims to provide opportunities for engagement with the key theories, concepts and ideas in education.
This programme is part of the ‘Interdisciplinary Studies in Education’ suite of research-informed Masters provision. It offers each student a choice of awards that means they can tailor the available provision to their own research interests.
By studying at Liverpool Hope University, you will be joining an academic community with a strong record in educational research. You will study in a supportive learning environment and be encouraged to develop your own research profile.



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Liverpool (Merseyside)
See map
Hope Park, L16 9JD

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Different dates availableEnrolment now open

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Entry requirements
Normally a First Class or Upper Second Class Honours Degree in a relevant discipline.
You will also need adequate experience within the children’s workforce. It is expected that applicants can demonstrate engagement in CPD and provide a reference confirming their suitability to work at MA level.
Please note that a satisfactory Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (formally the Criminal Records Bureau – CRB) is required for students where they are required to visit settings other than their own.

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  • International
  • Global
  • Systems
  • Psychology
  • Philosophy
  • University

Course programme

<div id="tab2" class="tab grid_8 alpha hide-on-small" style="display: block;"> <div class="courseLinks hide-on-medium-down"> <img src="/media/liverpoolhope/styleassets/cssimages/media,975,en.gif" alt="print Icon" style="width : 24px; height : 24px; "> <span><a href="javascript:window.print()">print this page</a></span> <span class="st_sharethis_custom" st_processed="yes"><a href="#">share this course</a></span> </div> <h2>Curriculum</h2> <p><strong><strong>Disciplines of Education</strong></strong></p> <p>Term 1<br> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Core Philosophers of Education (15 credits)</span></p> <p>This module examines the development of philosophy of education from a historical perspective.&nbsp; The approach taken in this module is similar to that of 'history of ideas' modules in philosophy courses where a range of historical figures from philosophy of education will be discussed.&nbsp; Students will engage with historical figures such as Plato, Hegel, Rousseau, Buber, Dewey and more modern thinkers such as Arendt and Freire.&nbsp; In this module students will critically engage with these philosopher's views on education.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">History of British Education 1750 to the Present Day (15 credits)</span></p> <p>This module explores the political, social and cultural factors that have helped shape reform processes in British education (primary, secondary and university-level) since the late 18<sup>th</sup> century. Throughout this module, seminars will focus on interactions between pupils, students, teachers, activists and state institutions in attempts to alter systems of education as well as forms of teaching and learning. In particular, students will have the opportunity to explore how significant social, economic and political shifts such as the industrial revolution, the introduction of universal suffrage and the creation of the welfare state shaped attempts to transform education in the United Kingdom over the last 250 years.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>Term 2</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Educational Inequalities in the Global Age (15 credits)</span></p> <p>This module examines education and inequality in a global age. This module will look at the role education plays in reinforcing and/or equalising societal hierarchies with a particular focus on social class, gender and ethnicity/race. The impact of wider social developments, such as marketisation of education and globalisation will be examined. The theories taught on this module will include critical and emancipatory theories, drawing on the work of sociologists such as Pierre Bourdieu and Basil Bernstein, as well as approaches of feminist and critical race theory. Drawing on these theories, students will analyse and evaluate the potential of education for social justice.&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Psychology of Education (15 credits)</span></p> <p>The module will explore contemporary theoretical approaches within developmental psychology. It will be covering biological, cognitive, social cognitive, neuro-cognitive, social and emotional areas development. The module will also be both research informed with a specific focus on the inter-relationships with classic and contemporary research paradigms within early and mid-childhood development and current theorising. A range of research outcomes relating to deep critical awareness of current theoretical and methodological advances in developmental psychology and how these impact on current views of child development will be central to this module.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>AND</strong></p> <p><strong>International Education block<br> </strong>Term 1<br> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">International and Comparative Education: Key Concepts and Practices (30 credits)<br> </span>This module will analyse the theory and practice of comparative education and trace the historical development of the field. It will advance understanding of the relation of comparative education to International Education. Students will develop skills and concepts to systematically analyse the impact of historical, social, political and economical factors on various regional and national education systems within the international context with the view to develop a deeper understanding of how education systems evolve. Relation with policymaking, theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches to the comparative and international study of education will be critically examined.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Term 2<br> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Critical Perspectives in Global Education (30 credits)<br> </span>This module will analyse the role of education in overcoming global challenges such as climate change and social injustice. Students will be introduced to techniques to critique relevant policy and practice in global education and related pedagogical approaches. They will consider research methods for evaluating global education initiatives. Through the development of a case study and ongoing portfolio students will analyse the diverse perspectives and assumptions that underpin and impact upon an area of personal or professional interest.</p> </div>

Education & International Education (MA)

Price on request