The Essential OD Toolkit

Short course

In London

£ 550 VAT inc.


  • Type

    Short course

  • Location


  • Duration

    1 Day

As you develop your OD practice, you will want to expand your ability to make a difference to the organisational agenda, increasing your impact and offering more advanced approaches. Suitable for: HR and OD professionals who wish to develop their OD approach for maximum impact



Start date

See map
Dove House, Arcadia Avenue, N3 2JU

Start date

On request

Questions & Answers

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Course programme

09:30 - Welcome, introductions and objectives for the day
10:00 - Organisational themes for OD practitioners
· What are the burning issues for OD in our organisations?
· What do we need to challenge ourselves to achieve as OD practitioners?

What is in the "Essential OD Toolkit"?

· What are the range of approaches, methodologies, skills and frameworks that we could be using?
· What do we use currently? Where could we stretch ourselves/our organisations?

Tools and approaches for working with stakeholders

· How do we develop an OD agenda with our organisation''s leaders?
· How do we gain entry most effectively with organisational stakeholders?
· How do we develop and maintain impact, credibility and presence as OD practitioners?

13:00 - Lunch

Tools and approaches for working with change
· What OD tools and approaches have worked best for organisations to date? How do we maximise their impact and effect?

Tools and approaches: trying something different

· Working from a complexity perspective: how do we use it and what does it add to our practice?
· How can we use large group interventions and methodologies to create engagement and change?

Delivering the OD Agenda

· Action planning - what do we need to challenge ourselves to do differently?
· Maintaining our ''edge'' as practitioners: keeping sharp and informed.

17:00 - Close

The Essential OD Toolkit

£ 550 VAT inc.