Forensic Investigation MSci

Bachelor's degree

In Stoke-On-Trent

£ 9,000 + VAT


  • Type

    Bachelor's degree

  • Location


  • Duration

    4 Years

This course combines Bachelors level and Masters level study in one integrated package. You'll focus on the policing and investigation of crime scenes and the subsequent evidence analysis.
The course is ideal if you want to pursue a career in the police service or other investigative agency - or if you have a strong interest in forensic, criminalistics, or crime scene science.
In Year 1, you'll cover policing and forensic topics. You'll study: the power of arrest and search, crime scene documentation, identification and recovery of evidence and analysis and interpretation of results.
In Year 2, you'll look at criminalistic methods, focusing on techniques such as: fingerprinting, hair and fibre evidence, examination of questioned documents and the in-depth study of trace evidence from a wide range of origins
You'll cover sources of biological evidence and its subsequent analysis and application to an investigation. You will also develop your investigative skills, dealing with persons in custody, the interviewing of suspects, witnesses and victims, and the Police and Criminal Evidence Act.
In Year 3, you'll follow the complete process - from the stages involved in investigating major crime, to recovering and analysing evidence and the subsequent presentation of this evidence in court.
In Year 4 you will gain a greater breadth and depth of specialist knowledge. In addition, you'll develop professional skills through the undertaking of a placement or research assistantship, where there may be the opportunity to work closely with a provider in the criminal justice sector.



Start date

Stoke-On-Trent (Staffordshire)
See map
College Road, ST4 2DE

Start date

On request

About this course

Typical UCAS Offer: 128. BTEC: DDM. All applications are individually assessed.

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  • Teaching
  • Project
  • Police

Course programme

We provide a coherent learning experience for the student to acquire a broad knowledge and understanding of the principles and techniques of forensic investigation. We educate the student to become proficient in the collection, documentation, and analysis of intelligence from both physical and witness evidence, to enable the student to act the role of investigator and interviewer. The course explores both the examination and investigation of each of volume and serious incidents, from the crime scene to court. We aim to develop the student's transferable skills, especially in team working and in the communication and reporting of evidence in a fashion understandable to the general public. We encourage students to develop research skills that can be utilised effectively to pursue independent work in a specified area within the discipline of policing and forensic investigation. We offer an innovative mix of both the theoretical and practical elements of forensic investigation so that those on the course can fully appreciate the operational relevance of their studies. Importantly, students get handson use of a range of cutting edge technologies, including the use the Crime Scene House, criminalistic laboratory and an automated fingerprint identification system to develop investigative skills through practical application.

Students gain experience and knowledge, and learn in many different ways. Over the course of your degree you will be taught using a variety of learning and teaching strategies, which will include lectures, practical sessions, project supervision, demonstrations, and workshops. Many sessions will be conducted in a classroom or laboratory environment, but will also include a number of handson practical sessions and realistic crime scene scenarios and roleplay situations. During your course, where possible, you will be given the opportunity to put into practice that which you learn in theory. At levels 4 and 5 you undertake practical work and demonstrations alongside your theory classes. This in turn exposes you to a variety of processes and equipment types you may make use of in future careers. Level 4 focuses on the delivery of principles and concepts relating to forensic investigation and you will also have your first introduction to a crime scene scenario. Lectures and practical sessions will be supported by small group tutorials. Your average class contact will be 12 hours per teaching week at this level. Level 5 develops your skills and knowledge gained at level 4, by introducing investigative skills and statement taking. This is achieved through the use of group practical sessions. Level 5 will also see a change of learning focus to a more student-centred, independent style with average class contact of 10 -11 hours per teaching week. At level 6 there is an even greater shift of emphasis to student-centred, independent study. However, individual one-to-one tutorial sessions are required to ensure successful completion of your Independent Project.
You will also further develop your time management, team working and problem solving skills through attendance at mock crime scenes and subsequent file preparation and attendance at a moot court. This level also allows you to select combinations of options modules to develop potential career paths. Average contact hours (including project time) will be 11 - 12 hours per teaching week. In conjunction with the tutor-led sessions, directed study supports and builds upon the knowledge and skills learnt in class to provide a fuller understanding of the subject. Personal and module tutors are on hand to provide support to students to discuss queries. The curriculum is structured so that skills and knowledge developed in core modules can be transferred, reapplied and further developed. Regular meetings are built into the personal tutorial system and personal development planning to ensure that students constantly reflect upon, adapt and enhance their learning.

Additional information

Learn from professional forensic scientists and crime scene investigators. On-campus crime scene house complete with CCTV monitoring. Opportunity for work experience placements and projects with Staffordshire Police via the Staffordshire Forensic Partnership

Forensic Investigation MSci

£ 9,000 + VAT