Forensic Psychology: Witness Investigation - The Open University





  • Type


  • Methodology


Discover how psychology can help obtain evidence from eyewitnesses in police investigations and prevent miscarriages of justice.

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  • IT
  • Psychology
  • Police

Course programme

Explore how your own mind works, and discover how the limitations of the human brain can lead to major miscarriages of justice.

Despite advances in forensic science, eyewitness testimony remains a critical component of criminal investigations. Psychological research has revealed the dangers of relying on evidence gained from an eyewitness and also how careful the police need to be when questioning witnesses.

Using videos of real witnesses and from cameras that go behind the scenes of a police investigation, this course explores the psychology of eyewitness testimony. You will get the chance to test your own cognitive skills and to see whether your powers of investigation are as good as a crack squad of police officers, as you try to solve a crime using nothing but evidence from eyewitnesses.

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Forensic Psychology: Witness Investigation - The Open University
