French Year 2 (Lower Intermediate)

Short course

In Islington

Price on request


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    Short course

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You can order escargots in a restaurant with panache, ask directions to the château and have a chat whilst queuing at the boulangerie. You are comfortable asking how much that jolie petite robe costs in the village market and can talk about le soleil et la pluie with your French colleagues. But now you want to have a proper conversation with the lovely French people you met last summer. During your holidays, you want to be able to understand what the lady explains to you about the various cheeses on her market stall and grasp the wine grower’s lengthy description at the wine tasting. You want to read a book in French and broaden your conversation at a meeting with French clients.Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are built upon and advanced main points in French grammar are covered. This course enables students to communicate with more variation and fluency to feel confident in most everyday situations with French native speakers. It also aims to broaden understanding of the French culture and way of life.If you missed the October enrolment and you already have some knowledge of French, you can join the French Lower Intermediate class in Term 2 or 3 but you will need to have your level assessed. You can do this by checking your level using our online guidelines.Why Choose a City Short Course?Our French Lower Intermediate short course is ideal for anyone looking for a flexible class that'll take their French to the next level. The French Lower Intermediate course is the perfect follow-on programme for anyone who has completed the French Beginnners language evening course. The programme is taught by native speakers over 10 weekly evening classes, offering maximum flexibility and expert tuition. Course Information Start DateStart TimeDurationCostCourse CodeApply Tuesday 4 October 2016 18:30 - 20:30 10 classes over 1 term £230.00 (Term 1) CS1804 ...



Start date

Islington (London)
See map
Northampton Square, EC1V 0HB

Start date

On request

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  • Market
  • IT
  • Wine

Course programme

What will I learn?

Please note that some topics of French Year 2 (Lower Intermediate) will be revised at the beginning of the academic year. The course outline below is only a guide and topics will be studied according to students' needs and progress.

Term 1

Topics covered
Past events; daily routine; holidays and important festivals; telephone and internet language; family and friendship; events in the recent past and near future; work and studies; leisure activities

Grammatical structures
Perfect tense with to have, to be and with reflective verbs (Se lever, s'occuper de…); direct and Indirect pronouns (him, her, them / to him, to her, to them); "y" pronoun; comparatives (more than, less than); should/could/would like; imperative; recent past and near future (venir de +infinitif / aller +inf.); adjectives to express emotions; expressions of time

Learning Objectives
o Talk about past activities
o Express agreement and disagreement
o Expressing emotions
o Talk about TV and social media
o Describe family and friends
o Talk about relationships
o Phone manners and making arrangements
o Talk about bank holidays
o Talk about parties and going out
o Talk about daily routine

Term 2

Topics covered
Nature and environment; weather; seasons; travelling; directions: francophone countries and French regions; health matters; sensations; food, fashion and purchasing; recipes

Grammatical structures
Imperfect; relative pronouns (qui, que, dont); future tense (will); adverbs; impersonal verbs (falloir, pleuvoir…); conditional (would); can/want/must/fancy; complex interrogatives (depuis quand, avec qui, pour quel…); adjectives

Learning Objectives
o Describe last holidays
o Talk about the weather and seasons
o Describe someone's appearance and personality
o Talk about other countries
o Talk about past trips abroad
o Making a purchase (presents …)
o Talk about francophone countries
o Following instructions: a French recipe
o Expressing health problems; asking for help

Term 3

Topics covered
Going out; formal vs informal language; film and shows; leisure; organising outings; famous sites; restaurant; memories; future plans.

Grammatical structures
Consolidation of imperfect vs perfect tense; consolidation of imperative, future and conditional; superlatives; "si" clause (if); introducing the pluperfect (if I had done …) + conditional perfect (I would have done …)

Learning Objectives
o Talk about past outings
o Talk about films and shows
o Talk about preferences
o Understanding and using different levels of language
o Describing famous sites
o Ordering in a restaurant
o Telling a story
o Talk about future plans

Additional information

Teaching and Assessment

The emphasis in this course is on listening and speaking. The lessons focus on language that is required in authentic situations.

Classroom activities will include: role-playing, class room discussion, pair and group work, work on pronunciation and intonation as well as grammar in context. Listening to audio clips and watching videos are an important element in our lessons. More comprehensive grammar exercises and reading texts are generally set as homework. All evaluation will take place in a relaxed and informal...

French Year 2 (Lower Intermediate)

Price on request