Global economy and finance


In London

£ 179 VAT inc.


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Doom and gloom in the media, sound and fury in political circles, surround the economic crisis, and it affects us all.
The course will try to make sense of what’s going on. Major events have more than a single cause. We will question the known suspects, bankers, speculators, lax regulators, and also examine the system they operate in, fractional
reserve banking in a global financial market. We will review competing theories that seek to explain the crisis and offer ways to overcome it.



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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

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Different dates availableEnrolment now open

About this course

- Explain some key technical terms and concepts of economics
- Identify the main causes of the on-going crisis
- Discuss with sound arguments the policies proposed by friends, journalists, and politicians of all parties.

None. Just an open mind, curious about the world we live in, and a willingness to listen to opinions you do not
always agree with are all that is needed to participate.

Clear visual presentations and group discussions will enliven each lesson. There will be no homework, but students
will receive the slides used in class, together with comments, as follow-ups to the lessons.

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  • Global
  • Banking
  • Finance
  • Financial
  • Financial Training

Course programme

The main symptom of the crisis is financial, so the first topic we’ll discuss is money, the energy of our time; how is money created, the functions of central banks, and the unstable nature of fractional reserve banking. This will help us understand notions such as quantitative easing, the rationale for bank bailouts, and the Eurozone specific situation. We will then analyse the boom and bust cycles induced by misallocations of investments; it explains the
exorbitant growth of financial markets, with their crafty instruments, options, derivatives, hedge funds, and ‘subprime’ vehicles. We will see why the law of supply and demand does not apply to speculative trading, allowing the information of bubbles, and why this generates huge profits for ‘the 1%’. Finally, we will confront the views of various
economists on possible solutions to the present crisis, and hopefully, we will conclude that we may not be doomed
after all.

Additional information

For other courses on economics, please see the college website: General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00. See the course guide for term dates and further details

Global economy and finance

£ 179 VAT inc.