Grammar Skills

Short course

In London

£ 380 + VAT


  • Type

    Short course

  • Location


  • Duration

    1 Day

Suitable for: Everyone who never learnt grammar at school or has forgotten what they learnt.



Start date

See map
The Pma Centre For Media Excellence, 7a Bayham Street, Mornington Crescent,, NW1 0EY

Start date

On request

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Course programme

Course content:

The core principles on punctuation, spelling and grammar. Sorting out some of the universal problems including words that get misused and confused, such as 'that' or 'which'. Includes:

- The myths of school English
- The rules - and when you can break the
- Common grammarspeak - and what it means for you
- Pinctuation - how and when to use it
- Sorting out tenses
- Using adjectives and adverbs
- The dangers of cliches and puns
- Starting sentences with 'and' or 'but'
- The dangers of relying on spelling and grammar checkers

Not for: Those who are confident that their grammar is perfect

Grammar Skills

£ 380 + VAT