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In Bridgwater ()

Price on request


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The main focus of the course is language acquisition and the development of skills which will lead to a high degree of competence in French and the opportunity to explore the rich and diverse cultures of the French speaking world. The Higher level course is designed for students who have already demonstrated exceptional linguistic ability and who intend to study French at university.

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Course programme

Through listening, reading, speaking and writing in a range of registers students will cover the following aspects of the culture: CORE TOPICS Communication and Media television internet mobile phones social networking freedom of the press Global Issues environment drugs poverty discrimination Social Relationships family friends school celebrations OPTIONAL TOPICS Cultural diversity language culture beliefs values Customs and traditions dress codes fashions food Health traditional medicine vs alternative medicine, Leisure sports and entertainment, travelling Science and technology dangers of technology ethics of technology new developments In addition to that, at HL students must read two works of French literature (a novel, a play, a collection of short stories or a selection of poems).

Group 2: French

Price on request