Harrogate Language Academy

  • In North Yorkshire

Reviews on Harrogate Language Academy

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Advantages of studying here

We are a small school, so it has a family feel to it. You will always receive personal care and attention, and all of the staff here are as interested in your welfare as your studies. If you are not happy, you will not learn, and we do our best to make being here an all round enjoyable experience. Students usually stay with host families, who live within walking distance of the school, and are carefully chosen to suit you.

Areas of specialisation

Most of our year round students are 20+ years old and are here for serious study. Many are going on to further education in this country or are studying to improve their job opportunities. We specialise in these two spheres. We are an IELTS examination centre and run regular IELTS preparation courses and Academic english courses. We provide specialist professional and business language training to many individuals and companies.


Harrogate is situated in the North of England. It is an old Spa town with a population of 70,000 people. It is famous for it's flowers, beautiful Victorian and Edwardian architecture, and it's Conference centre. The main economy comes from Tourism and the population is often much higher due to the number of holidaymakers, mostly British, and visitors to the Conference centre. With many hotels, guest houses, restaurants and bars, this small town is always alive.
Harrogate Language Academy is in the centre of the town, so all the facilities are on our doorstep. The building is comfortable and as well as classrooms and offices, we have a:
• Small canteen offering freshly made food
• Comfortable common room with TV and internet cafe
• Study Centre with Computers, free Internet and email access, audio and listening equipment and a library
• Free Wifi

Harrogate Language Academy