Hospitality Management



£ 199 + VAT


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  • Class hours


The course aims to explain aspects of the cultural, gastronomic and economic reality of Spain in relation to the catering industry. Participants will gain: A general vision of the Spanish hospitality industry thus becoming aware of the possibilities of this sector. Knowledge of hotel and restaurant structures, services and the roles they play. Culinary techniques and specific vocabulary. Suitable for: The course is aimed at students interested in learning the characteristics of the Spanish catering industry and who are interested in coming to Spain to work professionally in the hospitality industry or who want to acquire a general knowledge of hospitality and the Spanish gastronomic culture through work experience placements or internships. What is more, participants will find they are in an ideal situation for participating in the work experience placements organised by Instituto Hemingway.

About this course

Open to everyone, irrespective of age. We look for enthusiasm for learning new skills and getting to know different cultures and flexibility.

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Course programme

The course is divided into 7 didactic units dealing with topics relating to restaurants, hotels, food, gastronomy, table service, serving staff etc. The estimated duration of the Course is 40 hours and combines theoretic content with practical elements. The Course is imparted through the Virtual Classroom which is a modern learning tool where you can find the main content of the course, complementary materials and other documents of interest, course activities and self-evaluation exercises. The Virtual Classroom allows you to contact other students and your designated tutor through forums, chatrooms and direct communication with the teacher.

Course content:
Module 1: This module aims to provide a general vision of Spain from the point of view of the tourism and hospitality industry, thinking especially of those people who have never had direct contact with Spain.
1. Information and general customs of Spain.

2. General information

3. Languages

4. Climate

5. Timetables

6. Payment

7. Customs

8. Art

9. Bulls

10. Sports

Module 2: Tourism and Hospitality in Spain
This module contextualises the object of study within the tourism industry and looks at its repercussions in Spain. We will learn what establishments are included in the hospitality industry and how they are classified, with special emphasis on hotels.
1. Tourism in Spain
2. Tourism and Hospitalito
3. Types of hospitalito establishments
4. Types of hospitalito establishments
5. The hotel and its departments
Module 3: Working in a hotel.
Having been introduced to hotels, in the third module we will get to know the departments which require the most labour and those which are most suitable for those people who do not wish to specialise in a determined field.
1. Reception

2. Reservations

3. Arrivals

4. Allocation of rooms

5. Rooms and hotel services

6. Departures and checking out. Quality questionnaires.

7. Apartments

8. Cleaning service

9. Sheet changing

10. Mini-bars

11. Laundrette

Module 4: Restaurants
The fourth module is dedicated to the other large type of hospitality establishment: the restaurant, to which we are dedicating an entire module, introducing the flow charts and roles of the staff as well as a special section devoted to food and wine matching.
1. Kitchen

2. Dining room

3. Wine service and food and wine matching

Module 5: Kitchen
The fifth module is dedicated to the main branch of hospitality: the kitchen. Due to the size of this material, we will bring together the basic concepts to manage in the kitchen.
1.Machinery and utensils
2. Cuts
3. Culinary techniques
Module 6: Bars and cafés
The sixth module is dedicated to the most common establishments in Spain, the home of people´s social life: bars and cafés. We will see the differences that exist between them, their characteristics and we will take the opportunity to show a part of gastronomy that they offer: breakfasts, snacks, types of coffee, types of beer etc.
1. Introduction

2. Meals

3. Drinks

4. Breakfast and snacks

Module 7: Gastronomy
Although it is impossible to study in great detail the gastronomy of Spain, which is so rich and varied, in the seventh module we will look at different dishes and the most typical products. We will also deal with an important concept in our gastronomy, the Mediterranean diet and another concept which is becoming more important by the day: ecological products produced and consumed in our diet.
1. Typical dishes:

a. Tapas and ‘raciones’

b. Sweets and desserts

c. Elaborate dishes

2. Typical products.

a. Pork products: Jamón Serrano

b. Cheeses

c. Olive oil

d. Drinks

3. Mediterranean diet
4. Ecological products
We also provide three complementary documents. On the one hand, the basic rules for the handling of food which is obligatory for anyone working with food. In the second complementary document, there is a list of Guarantees of Origin grouped by regions. On the one hand we can locate the geographical origin of the product and on the other hand it allows us to distinguish the brand guarantees or other indications from the product stickers. Finally, we offer a conversation guide for those who have difficulties with the Spanish language. The Virtual Classroom contains a Library with complementary materials which can be easily accessed by all students.

Hospitality Management

£ 199 + VAT