Introduction to Alexander Technique for hard of hearing people


In London

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This course is a general introduction to the Alexander Technique. It aims to define and explain the basic principles of the technique with an emphasis on hearing loss. The Technique is concerned with how a person uses themselves as a whole - mind and body - in everything they do. The Alexander Technique can help people move and breathe with less effort, improve posture, be more focused, cope with stress better and be calmer and more confident. The Alexander Technique involves no specific exercises, requires no special equipment and can be practised wherever you are. It is suitable for people of all age and levels of physical fitness.



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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

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About this course

- identify the Alexander principle that the way you use yourself influences how you function in everyday life
- recognise habitual patterns of posture and movement which may be the causing excessive tension, aches and pains, shallow breathing, restricted movement or stiff joints etc
- recognise how applying the Alexander Technique can help eliminate tension habits that interfere with poised natural body alignment and overall functioning and well-being
- practise the AT in the classic semi-supine lying-down position.

Because of the nature of this course there are no examinations, materials or extra costs. However, students are asked to wear loose comfortable clothing, trousers may be more suitable especially for the lying down floor work. Suggested reading: Body learning by Michael Gelb; Inside Yourself by Louise Morgan; Body, Breath & Being by Carolyn Nicholls;.

The Alexander Technique is a practical method which involves the students’ participation through direct hands-on work from the teacher, self-observation and work in small groups and pairs. Some anatomy and physiology may be introduced where applicable. The tutor may also have volunteer teaching assistants for extra hands on work. This course will be taught in spoken English (not BSL) by a teacher who has used the AT to manage his own hearing loss. Some light, hands-on work from the tutor will be involved. A radio aid will be available for hearing aid users who have a loop setting.

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  • Alexander Technique

Course programme

The tutor will explain and demonstrate the basics of the Alexander Technique through a range of practical procedures. The course aims to show the students how to become aware of and unlearn habits of misuse that shows up as tension restricting freedom of movement, breathing, voice and coordination in everyday activities. This will be done in a variety of ordinary everyday activities such as sitting and standing, walking, lifting, bending, sitting at desks, lying down, speaking and breathing. Some anatomy and physiology will be introduced where applicable. Topics include spatial awareness, balance, co-ordination, developing powers of observation and focusing.

Additional information

As the Alexander Technique is usually taught on a one-to-one basis, students are given informat ion on how to continue learning, and how to find a fully qualified teacher from the published list of members of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) at You will also be informed about other courses in the Alexander Technique at the City Lit. Students can also deepen their learning of the Alexander Technique by enrolling for a further course. Who can I contact for further information? Tel: 020 7492 2725 Advice times: During term-time Wednesday 14.00-15.00 Room 501A. General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00. See the course guide for term dates and further details

Introduction to Alexander Technique for hard of hearing people

£ 59 VAT inc.