L'affaire Dreyfuss


In London

£ 119 VAT inc.


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In these 6 sessions we will follow the main developments of the “affaire” from the arrest and the public degradation of the Captain up to his rehabilitation.
We will understand how France, quite a patriotic and conservative country at the time overcame it’s anti-semitic prejudices for finally consolidate it’s Republican identity.
Along Captain Dreyfus we will meet several French personalities, Emile Zola of course, but also Dreyfus’ wife Lucie, Georges Clémenceau, Esterhazy ( the “true” guilty one ), Jean Jaurès and others.



Start date

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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

Start date

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About this course

Understand and explain how the “ Affaire ” shaped the modern France we know today, a Republic and Democratic society never shy of a vibrant intellectual and moral debate.


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  • Rehabilitation

Course programme

- The arrest and the condemnation of the Captain
- Exiled on the “ Ile du Diable”
- A perversion of justice and a military cover up
- Emile Zola and his “ J’accuse ”
- A divided France along prejudicial and political lines
- The long road for trues, freedom and rehabilitation.

This is a lecture, and is therefore tutor-led. Your participation however will be requested. You might be ask to read some short historical documents such as Dreyfus letters ‘extracts. You will also learn by looking at pictures and watching some movies’ extracts,.

Additional information

To find out about our great discounts on our French workshops, please visit our - French workshops and short course bundles page.

L'affaire Dreyfuss

£ 119 VAT inc.