Level 3 Introductory Certificate in Neighbourhood Management



£ 600 VAT exempt


  • Type


  • Methodology

    Distance Learning

  • Duration


This qualification provides an introduction to the key concepts and practices in effective neighbourhood management. Suitable for: Those whose current job or community role requires them to engage formally and informally with other community partners in all aspects of effective neighbourhood management.

About this course

There are no specific entry requirements for this qualification. However, candidates should, as far as possible, satisfy the prior learning guidelines for the Institute’s Level 3 Certificate in Management (reasonable experience as a junior manager and/or the level 2 Team Leading qualification); this is to enable progression, should the candidate wish to do so.

To study for this qualification you will need access to a computer, email and the Internet.

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Course programme


To help you learn, in the context of your neighbourhood management role:

- The key themes for successful neighbourhood management

- The principles underpinning successful neighbourhood management

- Methods and tools for identifying risk indicators

- Ways of working effectively with partners to improve neighbourhood management

Syllabus content:

Neighbourhood management


- what neighbourhood management is

- the principles underpinning effective neighbourhood management

- the importance of the engagement of all partners in establishing effective neighbourhood management

Partnership Working


- the purpose of Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships/Community Safety Partnerships (CDRP/CSP)

- which organisations are represented locally in the CDRP/CSP

- which organisations are not represented and what impact this can have on effective working

- which other interests ( whether identified formally or informally) do not engage within partnership working structures and what effect this can have on the neighbourhood management process

- the specific roles of organisations and individuals within the neighbourhood management process, and how to ensure that the partnership is not inappropriately dominated by any of its individual or organisational members

Signal Crimes


- the theory of signal crime in the context of neighbourhood management

- how to recognise signal crimes

- the broken window theory

- the impact of signal crime on effective neighbourhood management

Community Engagement


- the differences between communities and neighbourhoods

- the reasons why it is important to engage with your community, and the methods and processes for doing this

- the importance of listening to the community and the different methods of enabling the community to communicate with the neighbourhood management process

Neighbourhood meetings


- how to organise and run meetings

- how to help people to contribute in meetings

- how to encourage effective engagement in meetings from all partners

Anti-Social Behaviour


- what anti-social behaviour is, and how to recognise it

- the key components of the Respect Action Plan

- what Acceptable Behaviour Contracts are and how they can have a positive impact in reducing anti-social behaviour

Collaborative Problem-solving


- the principles and benefits of collaborative problem solving

- how to use and apply a range of collaborative problem solving models

- who should be involved in the process of collaborative problem-solving, and how to ensure their effective engagement in the process


This course is flexible as it is studied through distance learning.


As a guide, this course will involve approximately 30 hours study, excluding the assignment.

Added Value

- As a participant you will receive comprehensive learning materials, which if you are studying through distance learning includes workbooks, core text and additional support materials.

- You will be enrolled as a Student member of the CMI - Membership brings with it professional recognition and a wide range of support services that will aid your development as a manager throughout your working life.

- You will receive a minimum number of hours support from us through various methods including phone, email, classroom, on-line. Additional support is available when required at a very reasonable rate.

- We are committed to your success and will endeavour to support you to achieve your goal.

Additional information

Payment options: The fees for the Introductory Certificate in Neighbourhood Management are: £450.00 + £78.75 VAT = £528.75 Prices include workbooks and/or core text, handouts, support materials, tutor delivery and support, assessment, CMI registration and accreditation.

Level 3 Introductory Certificate in Neighbourhood Management

£ 600 VAT exempt