Light, Spike, and Sight: The Neuroscience of Vision - Massachusetts Institute of Technology






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A journey through the eye, retina and brain, revealing how light translates into nerve signals that encode the visual world.With this course you earn while you learn, you gain recognized qualifications, job specific skills and knowledge and this helps you stand out in the job market.



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  • Neuroscience
  • Biology
  • Neuroscience research
  • Brain
  • Science

Course programme

Vision may feel effortless: you open your eyes, and the world appears. But the process of focusing light into image on the back of the eye and translating it into meaningful nerve signals is incredibly complex. The retina and visual cortex are packed with intricate processing circuitry, and have been a mystery to neuroscientists for centuries. Now, answers are beginning to emerge. Today, the visual system is often called the model system for neuroscience: its findings are relevant to all other areas and to investigating the deeper mysteries of the brain’s microstructure and function. In this course, we take you from the physics of focusing light onto the retina, to the processing of colors, form, and motion, and finally to the interpretation of visual information in the cortex. We distill the mysteries of the visual system by posing questions and investigating them in a series of thematic, animated videos. This journey through the eye, retina and brain will (quite literally) change how you see the world.

Additional information

Claire E. O'Connell Claire E. O'Connell graduated from MIT in 2013 with an S.B. in Brain and Cognitive Sciences and is the Producer and Instructor for 9.01.1x. In addition to her role on the 9.01.1x team, she is a member of the teaching staff for MIT’s advanced undergraduate research program in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. During her undergraduate career, she received the MIT Walle J.H. Nauta Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience, and worked in the Seung Lab to develop educational materials for EyeWire. She presented her undergraduate work in her TEDxAtlanta talk: “A Game that Maps the Brain” and at Biovision: the World Life Sciences Forum. 

Light, Spike, and Sight: The Neuroscience of Vision - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
