M.Sc. in Management, Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in Health & Life Sciences: International Public Health


In Amsterdam (Netherlands)

£ 12,177.19 VAT inc.

*Indicative price

Original amount in EUR:

14,236 €


  • Type


  • Location

    Amsterdam (Netherlands)

  • Duration

    2 Years

  • Start date


How to effectively manage societies’ concerns during the Covid-pandemic?

Providing the best possible answers to these complex questions calls for cooperation between several disciplines and actors in society, from government, industry and social institutions to consumers and patients. The Master Management Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in the Health & Life Sciences (MPA) will give you a unique, multi-level perspective on this wide range of disciplines:

Health & Life Sciences-based Policy
Health & Life Sciences-based Management and Entrepreneurship
Health & Life Sciences-based Communication
International Public Health
Community-based Health Technologies



Start date

Amsterdam (Netherlands)
See map

Start date

SeptemberEnrolment now open

About this course

In an increasingly complex world, innovations in the health and life sciences are giving rise to a raft of ethical, legal and social and dilemmas.
If you’re eager to learn about the impact of these developments, and want to solve complex societal problems in a world that is becoming increasingly connected, then the Master Management Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in the Health & Life Sciences is for you.

Having completed the Master's programme in Management Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in the Health and Life Sciences, your career prospects are promising.
When you’ve completed the MPA programme, you have developed the following core competencies:

Analysing complex societal issues related to the health and life sciences.
Formulating and implementing strategies to deal with complex societal problems using interdisciplinary research.
Effectively cooperating and communicating with researchers from scientific disciplines outside the health and life sciences and with societal actors.

You will have excellent career prospects with a Master's in Management Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in the Health & Life Sciences. Your academic approach and skills in the field of interdisciplinary research will be in wide demand. You will have expertise at the interface of beta science and society, and be able to formulate strategies to solve complex societal problems in the health and life sciences.

With a Master’s degree in Management Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in the Health & Life Sciences, you are versatile. Your skills and knowledge make you suitable for a position in consultancy, for example, or as a healthcare professional. Other possible career paths include research, project management, analyst and business advisor.

You will opt for one of five specialisations and, in the first year, choose electives and follow an internship relevant to that specialisation.

In the second year you’ll follow both compulsory and optional courses that will deepen your knowledge in the chosen specialization; you will also take a second internship, which can be conducted abroad. The optional courses you choose will depend on your area of interest and the focus of your second internship.

The two compulsory internships, each of 20 weeks, will play a crucial part in your professional development, preparing you for your future career. In each internship you will work together with a commissioner (for example an academic institute or governmental agency) and conduct research into a complex ‘real world’ problem. Both internships will be a great start in building a professional network.

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  • Public Health
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Data Collection
  • International
  • Public
  • Healthcare
  • Communication Training
  • Implementation
  • Analysis
  • Electronic
  • Developments
  • Introducing
  • Formulation
  • Considered

Course programme


What factors should be considered when establishing electronic health records. How do developments in genomics impact basic health insurance?

How should we respond to an increase of Meningococcal disease? These are the types of questions addressed in this programme. You’ll start your study with three compulsory courses, introducing you to the core competences of the programme, these are:
  • Analysis of complex societal issues related to the health and life sciences;
  • Formulation and implementation of strategies to deal with complex societal problems through interdisciplinary research;
  • Effective cooperation and communication with both societal actors and with researchers from scientific disciplines other than health and life sciences.
You’ll be able to choose one of five specialisations, each requiring you to take one compulsory course, which counts for 6 EC. You will also follow two other courses within your specialisation for a minimum of 12 EC (18 EC in total). You will conduct two internships, of which at least one should be in the field of your specialisation

This two-year programme counts for a total of 120 ECs.

The start date of this programme is September 1st.

First year

In the first year, you will opt for one of five specialisations.

Health & Life Sciences-based Policy


This specialisation gives you insights into the theories and strategies that are needed to address societal issues through (governmental) policy at various levels. You will be introduced to specialised knowledge and understanding in the discipline of policy analysis, focusing particularly on different forms of ‘governance’ and interactive policy-making.

You will also acquire skills in data-collection methods, using written and digital sources as well as interviews and focus group discussions. Ultimately, you will be able to independently facilitate group processes for interactive policy-making. You will also be able to apply various analytical tools to structure multidisciplinary data towards strategically designed recommendations.

Health & Life Sciences-based Management and Entrepreneurship


This track gives you insights into the management process you need to turn scientific knowledge into innovations that are relevant to society in the area of Health & Life Sciences.

You will discuss relevant theories on management, leadership, finance and law. When you graduate you’ll be able to develop and critically assess business plans as well as having skills in relevant, scientific data-collection methods; you’ll also be familiar with different analytical tools.

International Public Health


In this specialisation you’ll acquire wide-ranging insights into current and future challenges in the field of international public health – their main causes as well as applied and potential interventions.

You’ll learn about relevant concepts across different disciplines, such as epidemiology, policy science, anthropology, management studies, biomedical sciences and health sciences.

When you’ve graduated, you’ll be able to conduct scientific research in the field of international public health, address challenges and critically assess the results of research. You will acquire knowledge of current theories and the key research questions in this field as well as gain insights into their scientific and social relevance.

Health & Life sciences-based Communication


Communication around science issues doesn’t just take place between peers, but also between scientists and the general public. If you take this track you’ll study, for example, how media metaphors and hype are used in communication, how end-users learn about emerging technologies and look at topics like patient participation in healthcare. These are just some of the questions raised in this complex and dynamic field of research and practice.

You will also acquire a more theoretical understanding of the complex problems that arise during these communication processes. You’ll develop the skills you need to act professionally at this interface, in an attempt to enhance communication between actors in science and society.

Community-based Health Technologies


Community health currently faces a number of challenges, such as changing demographics, long-term care put under pressure and the increasing demands placed on staff and resources.

In this track you’ll learn how technology can contribute to the creation of sustainable solutions to these problems. You’ll also discover ways of effectively engaging with diverse members of the community in order to identify their health-related needs and concerns.

By learning how to work with (industrial) technicians you’ll be equipped to develop health technologies that address the identified needs of the community. You’ll also learn to reflect on the impact of these new technologies on community health.

You will obtain knowledge and insights from innovation studiessciences, as well as specific technological knowledge from relevant disciplines, i.e. physics, computer sciences and health sciences. This will enrich your understanding of the dynamics between front-line and emerging innovative technologies and community-based healthcare.

Second year

Second-year students take a combination of compulsory courses and optional courses designed to deepen knowledge of certain areas. Your choice will depend on your interests and the focus of your internship.

Health & Life sciences-based Communication


Communication around science issues doesn’t just take place between peers, but also between scientists and the general public. If you take this track you’ll study, for example, how media metaphors and hype are used in communication, how end-users learn about emerging technologies and look at topics like patient participation in healthcare. These are just some of the questions raised in this complex and dynamic field of research and practice.

You will also acquire a more theoretical understanding of the complex problems that arise during these communication processes. You’ll develop the skills you need to act professionally at this interface, in an attempt to enhance communication between actors in science and society.

Community-based Health Technologies


Community health currently faces a number of challenges, such as changing demographics, long-term care put under pressure and the increasing demands placed on staff and resources.

In this track you’ll learn how technology can contribute to the creation of sustainable solutions to these problems. You’ll also discover ways of effectively engaging with diverse members of the community in order to identify their health-related needs and concerns.

By learning how to work with (industrial) technicians you’ll be equipped to develop health technologies that address the identified needs of the community. You’ll also learn to reflect on the impact of these new technologies on community health.

You will obtain knowledge and insights from innovation studiessciences, as well as specific technological knowledge from relevant disciplines, i.e. physics, computer sciences and health sciences. This will enrich your understanding of the dynamics between front-line and emerging innovative technologies and community-based healthcare.

International Public Health


In this specialisation you’ll acquire wide-ranging insights into current and future challenges in the field of international public health – their main causes as well as applied and potential interventions.

You’ll learn about relevant concepts across different disciplines, such as epidemiology, policy science, anthropology, management studies, biomedical sciences and health sciences.

When you’ve graduated, you’ll be able to conduct scientific research in the field of international public health, address challenges and critically assess the results of research. You will acquire knowledge of current theories and the key research questions in this field as well as gain insights into their scientific and social relevance.

Health & Life Sciences-based Policy


This specialisation gives you insights into the theories and strategies that are needed to address societal issues through (governmental) policy at various levels. You will be introduced to specialised knowledge and understanding in the discipline of policy analysis, focusing particularly on different forms of ‘governance’ and interactive policy-making.

You will also acquire skills in data-collection methods, using written and digital sources as well as interviews and focus group discussions. Ultimately, you will be able to independently facilitate group processes for interactive policy-making. You will also be able to apply various analytical tools to structure multidisciplinary data towards strategically designed recommendations.

Health & Life Sciences-based Management and Entrepreneurship

This track gives you insights into the management process you need to turn scientific knowledge into innovations that are relevant to society in the area of Health & Life Sciences.

You will discuss relevant theories on management, leadership, finance and law. When you graduate you’ll be able to develop and critically assess business plans as well as having skills in relevant, scientific data-collection methods; you’ll also be familiar with different analytical tools.

Additional information

Tuition fee EU: €1,084

M.Sc. in Management, Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in Health & Life Sciences: International Public Health

£ 12,177.19 VAT inc.

*Indicative price

Original amount in EUR:

14,236 €