Mixed media and drawing projects


In London

£ 999 VAT inc.


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This course will introduce you to a wide range of inspiring projects that will enable you to explore your creativity through mark-making, collage, drawing and printing, and other mixed media techniques. You will explore the use of mixed media and drawing as art forms, as ways of exploring self expression, personal ideas and themes, or as an ally to support work in other creative practices.

The course focusses on mixed media work and drawing as a means to:
- Create work using different materials and techniques, as a form of self expression and experimentation
- Explore diverse approaches to drawing, broadened through using different materials and techniques, to develop a range of imagery and creative work
- Creatively observe, record and use visual sources
- Carry out creative research
- Uncover, generate and instigate personal creative ideas.



Start date

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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

Start date

Different dates availableEnrolment now open

About this course

- Have confidence in experimenting with and using different materials and media
- Understand the importance of using relevant materials and techniques for greater self expression
- Demonstrate drawing skills using a variety of techniques
- Have a broad understanding of the diversity of mixed media and drawing methods
- Take part in group crits, and develop confidence when reflecting on creative work
- Demonstrate a knowledge of the works of historical and contemporary artists
- Produce a diverse portfolio of project work in 2D and 3D for personal enjoyment or to apply for a Foundation Diploma in Art and Design, or another course of your choice.

The course provides a wide selection of essential materials and equipment necessary for the completion of tasks and projects. You may however need to buy or collect certain materials for your individual needs, similarly, as most projects are introduced prior to the day’s activities, some projects require you to prepare and bring in relevant materials or visual research.

Students are taught through group and individual tuition, as well as on going demonstrations. The course is structured around creative projects that are generally introduced the previous week, although a project timetable will also be provided at the start of the course. Projects will also introduce relevant artists that can be researched in London galleries. On going support is provided through a variety of visual reference material, including handouts, slide presentations, artist books and exhibition information.

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  • Media
  • Drawing
  • Materials
  • Printing

Course programme

The course develops using a number of stimulating projects exploring mark making, drawing and 3D, and includes life and observational drawing, the investigation of texture and colour, and sculptural constructions. You will learn what can be achieved through honing skills in different drawing, mixed media, and painting materials, and through using different techniques and approaches alongside personal experimentation. Projects and technique workshops include collage, mono-printing, colour mixing, book constructions and paper manipulation.

This course concerns contemporary practices and debates. As such you can expect to be stimulated and challenged by some of the ideas and images discussed.

Additional information

After completing this course you would be able to apply to the Foundation Diploma in Art & Design, or progress onto a specialised course in chosen fine art practice. General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00. See the course guide for term dates and further details

Mixed media and drawing projects

£ 999 VAT inc.