Photography at the Royal Hospital Chelsea


In London

£ 229 VAT inc.


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The Royal Hospital was founded in 1682 and features buildings designed by Sir Christopher Wren, set in superb grounds, all of which which offer photographers unrivalled opportunities to explore practice and refine their skills.
A unique feature of the course is the combining of both resident Pensioners with City Lit students, which affords learners unique insights into the Hospital’s history and current role in the community.
The course finishes with a final session crit, where all work shot over the course is reviewed with group discussion and feedback.



Start date

See map
Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

Start date

Different dates availableEnrolment now open

About this course

- Demonstrate and an ability to photograph interiors using available light
- Identify optimum time of day for exterior photography
- Identify lens focal lengths required to produce wide as well as detail images
- Use compositional devices such as rule of thirds to produce well balanced and composed images.
- Produce a series of images covering the exteriors, gardens and interiors of the Royal Hospital.

Please bring a working camera (either digital or film) which has manual settings for aperture and shutter speed, and a tripod if you have one.

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Course programme

The mechanics of photography, including but not limited to:
- Lens choice
- Exterior photography and sunlight on buildings
- Optimum time of day for exterior photography
- Using ambient lighting for interiors
- Framing & composition
- Brief history of the Royal Hospital and its ongoing role.

A mixture of lectures, demonstrations, practical exercises, discussions and project work, involving individual tutoring as well as group work. You will regularly receive and be invited to contribute to positive critical feedback on your own and each other's photographs. This course is offsite. Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes as you will be outside for some of each session.

Additional information

General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00. See the course guide for term dates and further details

Photography at the Royal Hospital Chelsea

£ 229 VAT inc.