Press Management for Campaigners

Short course

In Belgravia, London

Price on request


  • Type

    Short course

  • Location

    Belgravia, london

  • Duration

    1 Day

The course will provide delegates with a working apparatus on how to develop skills, enabling them to produce highly sophisticated media campaigns. Suitable for: Campaigners who need to know much more on how to get the media on side when fronting high profile campaigns.



Start date

Belgravia, London (London)
See map
Suite 49, 34 Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W 0RH

Start date

On request

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Course programme

Press Management for Campaigners

Knowing how to present your campaign to the media, can have a decisive impact on its overall success.

In an increasingly competitive media landscape, only the most slick, innovative, and frankly clever campaigns are able to grab the headlines; so the course offers highly sophisticated techniques to enable even those on the tightest of budgets to shine. This course is packed with practical exercises, case studies and workshop scenorios to accelerate the learning of new techniques, and offers a highly interactive approach to campaigning practice.

Attendees can expect to be bombarded with new ideas on how to step up their game, become more media savvy, as well as learn more about the pros and cons of using celebrity endorsements. Candidates will learn how to capture the imagination of News and Feature Editors and be provided with fresh inspiration on how to get National Newspapers to singlehandedly take up and collabratively front their campaign through a series of articles and features. Professional advice will also be shared on how to maximise successful coverage without alienating leading decision makers and politicians. A frank and geninue critical appraisal will be given on the merits and pitfalls of the use of shock tactics such as stunts, negative campaigning and negative advertising.

This course will provide Campaign Officers and Campaign Managers with all they need to know to not only improve their media focus but gather future success by galvanising national support for major media operations. Ample time will be given on how to court the support of all forms of media outlets.

Press Management for Campaigners

Price on request