
In Aboyne

Price on request


  • Type


  • Location

    Aboyne (Scotland)

  • Duration

    2 Days

To learn the technique to change the patterns in our lives and to work within a state of grace; and in the use of the 8 Master 2 Symbols. Suitable for anyone interested in sekhem masters.



Start date

Aboyne (Aberdeenshire)
See map
Den Of Allachlade, AB34 5GQ

Start date

On request

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Teachers and trainers (1)

Vicki Rebecca

Vicki Rebecca


Vicki Rebecca is a UKCP accredited psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor. Vicki graduated in law with honours at Aberdeen University, worked in Health Promotions from 1987 and in 1994 established her own fitness consultation company. Working with clients on a one to one basis Vicki soon realised that to facilitate the life changes people so often desired, a holistic approach was necessary. Exercise and finding the right diet although transformational themselves were not always enough. ...

Course programme

How Sekhem is taught
Sekhem is taught in 3 separate levels; 1, 2, and Advanced and then the Master Level can be applied for in writing if you wish to teach. No pre-requisites are necessary to do the first level, save an interest in the energy. For those who are used to working with high energy, the first two levels may be taught together. In all other cases, there is a lapse of some months between the different levels, as there is much knowledge that comes with the use of the energy.

Manuals are always sent in advance so that students can come well prepared with questions if they wish and are not overwhelmed when the energy starts running. The workshops are then a mixture of practical exercises and group brainstorming. At each level or stage recommendations for further learning and / or help will be given for any gaps in your own knowledge. You will be able to re-sit the workshop at any time in the future free of charge (there may be a small charge for re-sits on residential courses) and you will be given guidance for going further along the path and for working on your own after each level. The student support system also includes shares, lower cost treatments and supervision in person, by phone or email.

Sekhem Masters
Although I refer to each of the Parts of Masters as two day workshops, Masters training in fact begins sometime after Advanced and goes right through until you are teaching your own classes. During that time you are encouraged to re-sit the earlier levels as many times as you like, moving through them as observer to assistant trainer if you wish. You will also be encouraged to look at your own process with great honesty. Masters are encouraged to keep up with their teaching master at least monthly either through meetings, emails or telephone. Clearly this is a big commitment for both of us therefore you will be asked to apply in writing stating your reasons for choosing masters, choosing Sekhem and choosing to teach.

Contents of Sekhem Masters Part 1 Workshop
During this 2 day workshop we will work more consciously with the personal and spiritual development aspects of Sekhem which includes looking at what was taught in the Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt. You will be given a “starter pack” on the seven levels of wisdom which included physical science; sacred geometry and architecture; symbolism; universal laws; alchemy; astronomy and astrology and the understanding of the Great Mystery. We will also look at Sekhem as a communications system and that will include the power of words; symbols; the higher octave of Sekhem and the alphabet of Sekhem.

There will be discussion and group brainstorming of the articles: Advice and Responsibilities of a Master and Sekhem Initiations. You will be given the initiation procedure to start learning for next time. There will be updates of the earlier levels, starting to look at things from a teaching point of view and discussion of your personal path through that as well as your personal mastery course and your intent and affirmations for Mastership. As I said earlier we will be in close contact throughout your masters training which can be anything from 6 months to 3 or 4 years.

Sekhem Masters Part 1

Price on request