Spanish Improvers Term 3


In ((Indicate))

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During the course you further develop your vocabulary in useful everyday situations. You will begin to understand how your chosen language works and increase your confidence in the spoken language including dealing with unpredictable language. The final part of the course is made up of one unit based on situations that you may encounter as a visitor to the country. Topics will include Travel - Communicate with others in a variety of situations, Present information to others and Obtain information from others. Food and Drink - general phrases, talk about food and ordering meals, drinks and snacks in a variety of situations.

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Course programme

The following course, offered by Newcastle-under-Lyme College, will help you improve your skills and achieve your professional goals. During the program you will study different subjects which are deemed to be useful for those who want to enhance their professional career. Sign up for more information! You will be taught in a friendly and supportive environment with ongoing feedback from your tutor. There are no formal assessments, just a tracking of your progress.

Spanish Improvers Term 3

Price on request