Supporting People with Cerebral Palsy



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This e-learning course entitled Supporting People with Cerebral Palsy is broken down into four easy-to-follow units – an introduction and three study units. The course aims to increase awareness about cerebral palsy, its causes, effects and related health issues. By gaining a good understanding of the condition, learners will be better able to provide the kind of help and support that the people in their care need.



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About this course

explain what cerebral palsy is
describe the different types of cerebral palsy
identify what causes the condition and when it occurs
list the secondary conditions and impairments that may be associated with cerebral palsy
understand the benefits to all concerned of an early diagnosis
explain what is meant by the medical and social models of disability
choose the more effective model for the support of people with cerebral palsy
understand how physical therapists play an important role in a person’s support network
define MDVI and suggest ways of helping and reassuring people with visual impairments
describe person-centered planning and outline its benefits
understand people’s rights in terms of communication
identify ways of helping people to communicate based on their capabilities
describe augmentative and alternative methods of communicating
explain what communication books, passports and VOCAs are
understand the importance of the legislation which protects and supports people with disabilities.

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  • Care Education
  • Carer

Teachers and trainers (1)

Kathryn O'Hara

Kathryn O'Hara


Course programme

This e-learning course begins by introducing learners to some of the facts and statistics about cerebral palsy, identifies possible causes and explains why an early diagnosis is beneficial. Learners will gain an understanding of the different ways in which the condition can manifest itself and how the extent of its effects can vary greatly.

The course describes the medical and social models of disability and will help people to identify which one fits in more effectively with the support of individuals with cerebral palsy.
It then goes on to look at other impairments that people with the condition may have to face, and how therapists can help them to cope based on their particular needs. It also explores the benefits of taking a person-centred approach to planning support.

The course concludes by identifying ways of helping people with cerebral palsy to communicate, as well as the legislation in place to protect and support them to live fulfilling lives.

The course has been developed in association with British Institute of Learning Disabilities and Beaumont College, Lancaster.

The study units are:

  • What is cerebral palsy and how does it affect people?
  • Effective methods of support
  • Helping people to communicate.

Supporting People with Cerebral Palsy

£ 20 VAT inc.