Train the Trainer Serenity: How to Handle Challenging People



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Let me ask you a question…Which of your employees are making life challenging for the rest of the department? Challenging attitudes (apathy, negativity and despondency) exist in every boardroom, audience and classroom.The discontent can become a major distraction for your team, causing a dramatic decrease in their productivity.Difficult people can negatively impact team performance and morale…Problematic employee behavior is doubly difficult because it may have multiple causes...These causes may be work or home related, behavior- or health-related, may be triggered by other employees or outsiders, by changes of work, others' promotion, rising stress levels, etc. Managers need to understand that a negative employee is not just a problem between them and that employee. The air of dissent affects everyone who’s around it.Even though dealing with challenging people isn’t a favorite task for most leaders, it’s part of the job.So, to help you deal with these challenges (and the people behind them), we created Serenity…Serenity: 24 Hours to Peace: How to Handle Challenging PeopleHow does it work?Serenity contains 57 PROVEN techniques from 20 different case studies to help you manage the 8 most difficult types of people you will encounter in the workplace….Resenters
Fault Finders
Talk Hogs
Distracted Inefficients
Stubborn PassivistsWith case studies 1 – 7, you will learn how to stop interruptions, eliminate distractions, and stay on track.  Specifically, with studies 1 – 7…Deal with distractions and interruptions by keeping the talk hogs at bay by setting boundaries…
Get the experts on your side by giving them the spotlight with expert questions, leadership opportunities and 1-on-1 time…
Simmer down the know-it-alls by separating them from the experts and non-verbally making them feel cared about… the same system that helped hundreds of business leaders to more peace and...



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About this course

Deal with distractions and interruptions by keeping the talk hogs at bay by setting boundaries…
Get the experts on your side by giving them the spotlight with expert questions, leadership opportunities and 1-on-1 time…
Simmer down the know-it-alls by separating them from the experts and non-verbally making them feel cared about…
Use the one sentence intervention to handle any type of disruptive behavior and get people back on track…
Handle negative people by offering choices and using logical consequences to sidestep the power struggles…
Handle the fault finders and their tough issues by listening to them, establishing ground rules and handing it back to them…
Shut down hecklers and control anger and anxiety and then motivate your employees to listen and perform…
Placate resenters by re-establishing the relationship and showing that you care…
Stimulate inattentive people with encouragement, arrange small successes, hook their goals   and use “I noticed…” statements…
Boost productivity by stimulating stubborn passivity…
Meet the needs of others by engaging the distracted inefficient…
Reduce interruptions by managing late arrivers…
And much, much more…

Training Professionals: Grow in your career, and make training fun with engaging learning techniques that guide people through a learning process that sticks
Team Leads: There’s nothing harder than managing a team that can’t apply what they’ve learned back on the job. So let us fix that for you
Directors & VP's: Give your managers and employees the training they need, so you can stay focused on strategy and execution, not on costly errors or injuries
Instructional Designers: Infuse your lessons with fun and excitement to fully engage your audience and maximize learning with meaningful metrics along the way
Founders and CEO's: Running a business is hard enough without also having to worry about training, so let us worry about it, instead, saving the company tons of time and money

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Course programme

Welcome to Serenity 1 lecture 14:06 Introduction and Welcome Challenging attitudes exist in every boardroom, audience and classroom. You're about to learn what causes these attitudes and find out how to address them so you can maintain control of even the most challenging participants. Welcome to Serenity 1 lecture 14:06 Introduction and Welcome Challenging attitudes exist in every boardroom, audience and classroom. You're about to learn what causes these attitudes and find out how to address them so you can maintain control of even the most challenging participants. Introduction and Welcome Challenging attitudes exist in every boardroom, audience and classroom. You're about to learn what causes these attitudes and find out how to address them so you can maintain control of even the most challenging participants. Introduction and Welcome Challenging attitudes exist in every boardroom, audience and classroom. You're about to learn what causes these attitudes and find out how to address them so you can maintain control of even the most challenging participants. Introduction and Welcome Challenging attitudes exist in every boardroom, audience and classroom. You're about to learn what causes these attitudes and find out how to address them so you can maintain control of even the most challenging participants. Introduction and Welcome Challenging attitudes exist in every boardroom, audience and classroom. You're about to learn what causes these attitudes and find out how to address them so you can maintain control of even the most challenging participants. Challenging attitudes exist in every boardroom, audience and classroom. You're about to learn what causes these attitudes and find out how to address them so you can maintain control of even the most challenging participants. Challenging attitudes exist in every boardroom, audience and classroom. You're about to learn what causes these attitudes and find out how to address them so you can maintain control of even the most challenging participants. Stop Interruptions 3 lectures 42:31 Hog-Tie the Talk Hogs Talk Hogs really need attention, and they absolutely will find a way to get it, even, if necessary, with bad behavior such as constantly interrupting the training by jumping in with questions and comments at inappropriate times. The key is to work with that need: feed it when they are behaving appropriately and ignore them when they're not. They'll get the message quickly. Give the Experts the Spotlight Like any class, but probably in greater proportion, experts may include some trainees who want control and will attempt to take it if it's not given. Simmer Down the Know-it-Alls Know-it-alls are similar to experts, except they don't actually know nearly as much. Stop Interruptions 3 lectures 42:31 Hog-Tie the Talk Hogs Talk Hogs really need attention, and they absolutely will find a way to get it, even, if necessary, with bad behavior such as constantly interrupting the training by jumping in with questions and comments at inappropriate times. The key is to work with that need: feed it when they are behaving appropriately and ignore them when they're not. They'll get the message quickly. Give the Experts the Spotlight Like any class, but probably in greater proportion, experts may include some trainees who want control and will attempt to take it if it's not given. Simmer Down the Know-it-Alls Know-it-alls are similar to experts, except they don't actually know nearly as much. Hog-Tie the Talk Hogs Talk Hogs really need attention, and they absolutely will find a way to get it, even, if necessary, with bad behavior such as constantly interrupting the training by jumping in with questions and comments at inappropriate times. The key is to work with that need: feed it when they are behaving appropriately and ignore them when they're not. They'll get the message quickly. Hog-Tie the Talk Hogs Talk Hogs really need attention, and they absolutely will find a way to get it, even, if necessary, with bad behavior such as constantly interrupting the training by jumping in with questions and comments at inappropriate times. The key is to work with that need: feed it when they are behaving appropriately and ignore them when they're not. They'll get the message quickly. Hog-Tie the Talk Hogs Talk Hogs really need attention, and they absolutely will find a way to get it, even, if necessary, with bad behavior such as constantly interrupting the training by jumping in with questions and comments at inappropriate times. The key is to work with that need: feed it when they are behaving appropriately and ignore them when they're not. They'll get the message quickly. Hog-Tie the Talk Hogs Talk Hogs really need attention, and they absolutely will find a way to get it, even, if necessary, with bad behavior such as constantly interrupting the training by jumping in with questions and comments at inappropriate times. The key is to work with that need: feed it when they are behaving appropriately and ignore them when they're not. They'll get the message quickly. Talk Hogs really need attention, and they absolutely will find a way to get it, even, if necessary, with bad behavior such as constantly interrupting the training by jumping in with questions and comments at inappropriate times. The key is to work with that need: feed it when they are behaving appropriately and ignore them when they're not. They'll get the message quickly. Talk Hogs really need attention, and they absolutely will find a way to get it, even, if necessary, with bad behavior such as constantly interrupting the training by jumping in with questions and comments at inappropriate times. The key is to work with that need: feed it when they are behaving appropriately and ignore them when they're not. They'll get the message quickly. Give the Experts the Spotlight Like any class, but probably in greater proportion, experts may include some trainees who want control and will attempt to take it if it's not given. Give the Experts the Spotlight Like any class, but probably in greater proportion, experts may include some trainees who want control and will attempt to take it if it's not given. Give the Experts the Spotlight Like any class, but probably in greater proportion, experts may include some trainees who want control and will attempt to take it if it's not given. Give the Experts the Spotlight Like any class, but probably in greater proportion, experts may include some trainees who want control and will attempt to take it if it's not given. Like any class, but probably in greater proportion, experts may include some trainees who want control and will attempt to take it if it's not given. Like any class, but probably in greater proportion, experts may include some trainees who want control and will attempt to take it if it's not given. Simmer Down the Know-it-Alls Know-it-alls are similar to experts, except they don't actually know nearly as much. Simmer Down the Know-it-Alls Know-it-alls are similar to experts, except they don't actually know nearly as much. Simmer Down the Know-it-Alls Know-it-alls are similar to experts, except they don't actually know nearly as much. Simmer Down the Know-it-Alls Know-it-alls are similar to experts, except they don't actually know nearly as much. Know-it-alls are similar to experts, except they don't actually know nearly as much. Know-it-alls are similar to experts, except they don't actually know nearly as much. Handle Negativity 4 lectures 45:17 Placate Resenters - Part 1 Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Placate Resenters - Part 2 Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Handle the Fault-Finders Faultfinders are another category of a negative person. Dreikurs would probably say that they are feeling robbed of power. They are reluctant to try something new and doubt it will work as promised. Shut Down the Hecklers Hecklers are a combination of a Talk Hog and a Resenter. They often sit in the back of the room, making disparaging comments about the material or the trainer. Handle Negativity 4 lectures 45:17 Placate Resenters - Part 1 Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Placate Resenters - Part 2 Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Handle the Fault-Finders Faultfinders are another category of a negative person. Dreikurs would probably say that they are feeling robbed of power. They are reluctant to try something new and doubt it will work as promised. Shut Down the Hecklers Hecklers are a combination of a Talk Hog and a Resenter. They often sit in the back of the room, making disparaging comments about the material or the trainer. Placate Resenters - Part 1 Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Placate Resenters - Part 1 Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Placate Resenters - Part 1 Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Placate Resenters - Part 1 Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Placate Resenters - Part 2 Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Placate Resenters - Part 2 Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Placate Resenters - Part 2 Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Placate Resenters - Part 2 Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Resenters often are people who were required to attend, and they resent it. They come with an attitude that is not conducive to learning or to useful dialogue. Handle the Fault-Finders Faultfinders are another category of a negative person. Dreikurs would probably say that they are feeling robbed of power. They are reluctant to try something new and doubt it will work as promised. Handle the Fault-Finders Faultfinders are another category of a negative person. Dreikurs would probably say that they are feeling robbed of power. They are reluctant to try something new and doubt it will work as promised. Handle the Fault-Finders Faultfinders are another category of a negative person. Dreikurs would probably say that they are feeling robbed of power. They are reluctant to try something new and doubt it will work as promised. Handle the Fault-Finders Faultfinders are another category of a negative person. Dreikurs would probably say that they are feeling robbed of power. They are reluctant to try something new and doubt it will work as promised. Faultfinders are another category of a negative person. Dreikurs would probably say that they are feeling robbed of power. They are reluctant to try something new and doubt it will work as promised. Faultfinders are another category of a negative person. Dreikurs would probably say that they are feeling robbed of power. They are reluctant to try something new and doubt it will work as promised. Shut Down the Hecklers Hecklers are a combination of a Talk Hog and a Resenter. They often sit in the back of the room, making disparaging comments about the material or the trainer. Shut Down the Hecklers Hecklers are a combination of a Talk Hog and a Resenter. They often sit in the back of the room, making disparaging comments about the material or the trainer. Shut Down the Hecklers Hecklers are a combination of a Talk Hog and a Resenter. They often sit in the back of the room, making disparaging comments about the material or the trainer. Shut Down the Hecklers Hecklers are a combination of a Talk Hog and a Resenter. They often sit in the back of the room, making disparaging comments about the material or the trainer. Hecklers are a combination of a Talk Hog and a Resenter. They often sit in the back of the room, making disparaging comments about the material or the trainer. Hecklers are a combination of a Talk Hog and a Resenter. They often sit in the back of the room, making disparaging comments about the material or the trainer. Manage Inattention

Additional information

Download the Serenity Workbook that accompanies this course so that you can follow along perfectly with what is being said. Stop the video when Jason says to do each of the activities that are in this program so that you can get the full Serenity experience. Apply each of the Your turns that occur in each of the major section descriptions to your training so that you can see dramatic differences in your training Rule the Room Serenity Style!

Train the Trainer Serenity: How to Handle Challenging People

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