Work-based (land-based) Operations at Milton Country Park


In Huntingdon

Price on request


  • Type


  • Location


This is a unique opportunity for young people aged 16 - 25 years to work with local country parks.

Young people will have two days per week gaining country park skills and practical land based skills working with the Country Park Rangers, with one day per week in college. The college based day will include English and maths and employability skills, with an emphasis on developing enterprise and employability skills through practical project work.

The programme includes developing maintenance skills to repair and maintain mowers and other mechanical machinery and some car maintenance.



Start date

Huntingdon (Cambridgeshire )
See map
California Road, PE29 1BL

Start date

On request

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  • Employability
  • Maths
  • English

Course programme

This programme leads to a City & Guilds qualification at level 1 in Land Based Operations. Young people will also get the chance to take a City & Guilds qualification in maths and English or a functional skills or GCSE depending on their ability and current qualifications on entry.

For more details contact:

Alison Goold – Head of Supported Learning
Gareth Davies – EHCP Reviewing Manager

Early application is recommended due to the small yearly intake onto this course.
Young people need to be working at Entry 3 to level 1 and although there are no specific entry requirements the college will need to assess that applicants have successfully developed the maturity and social confidence to work in a public space and with partner employers.

In addition to the entry qualifications listed, the offer of a place on the course is subject to the outcomes of initial assessment, which will be taken at the College as part of the admissions process. Please note that entry criteria may vary quite significantly between courses at the same level. This is to take account of the specific skills needed for success on particular courses, the length of the course and the requirements for progression to the next level. Entry criteria are given as a guide, and the exact requirements in order to obtain a place on a particular course will be confirmed following attendance at a Welcome Event/Interview.

We want you to achieve to the very best of your ability at CRC. To make this happen we offer both learning and personal support by specialist staff tailored to meet your specific needs.

Work-based (land-based) Operations at Milton Country Park

Price on request