Yoga: Hanuman - a leap of faith


In London

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Hanuman: a monkey hero faced trials and demands he thought he couldn’t possibly accomplish or overcome, yet with the power of devotion, with a leap of faith, he did things he never thought possible. In this workshop, we’ll test our limits, both on and off the mat, and see how a devoted and fearless heart can take us anywhere—even into hanumanasana the monkey posture! Approximately 2/3 of the time will be given to asana, and the remainder will be self exploration, story, myth and play.



Start date

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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

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About this course

- Describe Hanumanasana the Monkey Posture in detail
- List what qualities are needed in a deep & strong yoga pose like Hanumanasana
- Have practiced a variety of yoga postures and variations to warm up thoroughly
- Describe the benefits of the posture
- Reflect on Hanumans qualities and the symbolism in the story of this character
- Have practiced, with guidance a pranayama practice, utilising a meditation and visualisation.

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  • Yoga

Course programme

Yoga asana, theory and practice - exploring Hanumanasana the Monkey Posture in detail
Myth and legend surrounding Hanuman
Meditation practices
Reflections and journaling to explore self image
Some basic anatomy.

- Instructions, explanations, demonstrations, - Q&As - Individual practice - Some pair work. - Worksheets. Yoga equipment including mats will be provided. Handouts provided. You might like to bring a notebook and pen. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. Postures are performed barefoot but you may wear non-slip socks if you prefer.

Additional information

Any yoga class or yoga workshop. General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00. See the course guide for term dates and further details

Yoga: Hanuman - a leap of faith

£ 79 VAT inc.