Yoga Nidra: Relaxing Into Empowered Lives


In London

£ 20 + VAT


  • Type


  • Location


  • Duration

    1 Day



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Triyoga, 6 Erskine Road, Primrose Hill, NW3 3AJ

Start date

On request

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Teachers and trainers (1)

Jane Kersel

Jane Kersel


Jane Kersel is a popular and inspiring London teacher who empowers her students to find and be their true selves and to live lives of purpose and growth. She bases her teaching on over 20 years of practice and study that is designed for a western body and mindset. Each year she studies with her psycho-spiritual teachers, Hal and Sidra Stone in California. From this study, she weaves: transpersonal psychology, meditation, breath, energy work and playful, light-heartedness into her busy yoga classes and retreats.

Course programme


Believing in ourselves is our most important self-practice but it's easy to lose this belief: life experiences; misshapen beliefs; random unconscious comments and harsh negative judgments can knock our very foundations and stop us in our tracks. The more we push off or deny this to ourselves, the more our reality becomes warped in favour of these distortions and what we believe manifests as our life story. We literally become set in our ways, living out conditioned unconscious lives stuck in a groove like a well-worn record.

Yoga Nidra takes us beyond this patterning. Through a led practice of profound relaxation of mind and body, we learn to turn the volume of our thoughts down and connect deeply to the subconscious where these patterns lie. Yoga Nidra is a state between wakefulness and sleep and from this depth we can release, re-pattern and begin to live empowered, embodied lives. This workshop is open to everyone who wants to step up to their next level – please wear comfortable clothes.

Yoga Nidra: Relaxing Into Empowered Lives

£ 20 + VAT