20th Century Spanish art and culture


In London

£ 249 VAT inc.


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In this10-week course we work through the development of Spanish art in the 20th century - from the aftermath of Spain's 1898 defeat in the Spanish-American War through dictatorship to democracy. We will focus on key episodes highlighting the contribution of Spanish artists, architects and film-makers to 20th-century visual culture. Starting with the work of Solana, Zuloaga and Sorolla in the 1900s we follow the effects of Spain’s rapid modernisation in the early 20th century and in particular how artist responded to changes in national and regional identity; the role of women, and the political role of art. We look at the Barcelona of Gaudí and Montaner and early Picasso; the cubism of Picasso and Juan Gris; the Spanish Surrealism of Miró, Dalí, Lorca and Bunuel, responses the Civil War and WW2 (Picasso’s Guernica and Josep Renau’s photomontages) and the effects on Fascism on painting, cinema and sculpture under Franco.



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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

Start date

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About this course

- Describe the key characteristics of Catalan Renaissance art
- List three characteristics of Fascist art under Franco
-Describe three key differences between the Surrealism of Miró and Dalí
- Discuss the links between Surrealism and film in Spain
- List three works by Juan Muñoz and discuss the background to their creation.

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  • Cinema
  • Art
  • Painting
  • Sculpture

Course programme

- The Catalan ‘Renaissance’: Gaudí and Montaner
- Picasso from Barcelona 1900 to Cubism and Guernica
- Spanish Surrealism : Miró, Dalí, Lorca and Bunuel
- Painting, architecture, cinema and sculpture under Franco
- The work of the sculptor Juan Muñoz.

You will be taught with slide presentations, group discussions and short group exercises. There are no other costs, but you are advised to bring a notebook to the classes. You may like to purchase some of the books suggested on handouts during the course.

Additional information

General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00. See the course guide for term dates and further details

20th Century Spanish art and culture

£ 249 VAT inc.