A/AS General Studies

A Level

In Alton, Hampshire

Price on request


  • Type

    A Level

  • Location

    Alton, hampshire

  • Duration

    2 Years

It is a subject which helps you develop your critical and analytical skills on a wide range of topics. It deals with contemporary issues like genetic engineering, media censorship, animal rights, euthanasia etc, which will help you to become well informed and confident enough to discuss a whole range of arguments.



Start date

Alton, Hampshire (West Yorkshire)
See map
Old Odiham Road, GU34 2LX

Start date

On request

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Course programme

A/AS General Studies

What is General Studies?
It is a subject which helps you develop your critical and analytical skills on a wide range of topics.

It deals with contemporary issues like genetic engineering, media censorship, animal rights, euthanasia etc., which will help you to become well informed and confident enough to discuss a whole range of arguments.

It gives you the opportunity to apply knowledge learnt from your previous education, including language and numerical skills.

Like most sixth form colleges and many private schools, Second Year students will be given the opportunity to take A Level General Studies.

Is General Studies suitable for me?
Students have commented favourably on the university lecture style format. This is a good preparation for H.E.

Students also comment on the College's virtual learning environment, Moodle. This allows them to access all handouts and do the weekly short multiple choice questions that are set by each lecturer.

How will I learn?
The majority of the course will be delivered through e-learning and there will be supporting timetabled sessions. These will consist of university style lectures and workshops. You will sit the AS and A2 examinations in the second year of your College programme.

How should I prepare for General Studies?
Work through the e-learning materials provided. Read newspaper articles from quality newspapers. Watch OEHave I Got News For You.

Sharpen your general knowledge by watching quiz programmes The Weakest Link/University Challenge.

Watch documentaries, films, plays, discussion programmes.

Talk to friends debate and discussion help critical skills.

Keep generally alert to what is going on in the world and have an opinion on the main issues.

How will I be assessed?
Coursework: 0%

Unit 1: Conflict 1½hrs

Three structured essay questions from a choice of five.

Unit 2: Space 1½hrs

The first question, in parts, will be based on tables of data, charts, or graphs.

The second question, in parts, will be based on images.

The third question will be based on a piece of text.

Unit 3: Power 2 hrs

Two questions (written) based on four texts of different kinds.

Unit 4: Change 2 hrs

Two questions (written). The questions are divided into two sections.

Over 85% of all HE institutions accept General Studies as an entry qualification along with other subjects. (Result of survey in Hampshire of all UK Universities†Admissions Tutors)

It is a good indicator of self study ability as it is generally accepted by HE institutions that there is a distinct correlation between the grade obtained in General Studies A level and the final degree grade.

Most HE institutions, including medical schools, regard it as a reliable indicator of all round intellectual ability.

It gives you an extra A level which you can achieve with minimum preparation and by relying on your general knowledge, previous GCSEs and current A level knowledge.

Each year students who do not get the grades they need find that their General Studies grade is an important factor in bargaining for a place at University.

The formal lecture programme prepares you for Higher Education.

Course costs
The college will provide you with relevant materials. All students will be expected to provide their own stationery, computer discs and calculators (where appropriate). Any further costs are outlined below:

There are no additional course costs.

If the costs of equipment, materials and trips may cause you financial hardship, there is the opportunity to apply for help from the College Access Fund.

Course: AQA 2765

A/AS General Studies

Price on request