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Annual in-house lawyer summit


In London ()

Price on request


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  • Duration

    2 Days

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Course programme

As the economy improves, this years Annual In-House Lawyer summit will focus on the impact this will have on organisations, including the legal issues that arise from the recovery, and most importantly how the in-house team can be prepared for these issues.

During a recession people tend to be more cautious and often look to the legal department to steer them on risk decisions, but will this change once recovery is in sight? Some suppliers may want to recover their pricing position, but they don’t want to be out of line, so they might be tempted to collude with others in the industry to agree price rises. What will this mean for competition law?

This is a must attend event for any in-house lawyer. You will hear an economists view on what the future economy looks like. Combine an update on recent legal developments from expert speakers with an opportunity to benefit from the thoughts of key senior counsel on their roles and responsibilities on the economic recovery.

This must attend one-day conference will provide:
• An opportunity to hear nationally renowned speakers on ‘hot topics’, together with understanding their practical impact for all in-house counsels
• Inspiring speeches from senior legal in-house counsel about how they tackle the challenges of the role
• Active panel discussions between senior in-house counsel
• Excellent networking opportunities enabling you to meet and exchange views with your counterparts

This event is also accredited by the Bar Standards Board and qualifies you for 6 CPD hours. Certificates of attendance will be given to all delegates, so that they may claim appropriate credits in respect of other continuing professional development requirements.

Annual in-house lawyer summit

Price on request