

How to become a tourist guide in London?

There are many different reasons why being a tourist guide is a great way to earn money, whether you dedicate your life to it or you do it as a part-time job during your studies to make some extra money. This career will teach…

Travel writing: discover how to make money out of travelling and sharing it

Hi there, enthusiastic. We know you’ve been thinking about how cool it would be if you can only make some money out of travelling, and we wrote this to say: yes you can! Nowadays with the internet revolution you can become…

5 tips for aspiring publishers

The publishing business is one of the most demanding areas, as it merges proofreading, business management, marketing, author and foreign rights into one job or discipline. Although it is far from being considered a science, there…

Tips for Aspiring Journalists

If you have doubts about thrusting yourself into the wonderful, unpredictable world of journalism, Emagister knows how to end your doubts. The digital era might be hurting journalism in its traditional form, but the passion…