Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management Systems Course





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Business Intelligence is a set of theories and methodologies that handle large amounts of data and information and assists managers with decision-making. Knowledge management is the process of capturing, storing, retrieving and distributing the knowledge of the individuals in a business for use by others in the business to improve the quality and/or efficiency of decision making across the firm. This free online course in Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management Systems enables the learner to study information tools used to assist decision-makers and describe the process known as decision-making including the three steps involved. The course will be of interest to business professionals who would like to gain a basic knowledge and understanding of the benefits of business intelligence and knowledge management systems.

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  • Management
  • Business Intelligence
  • Systems
  • IT Management
  • Management Systems

Course programme

Module Title Module 1: Management Decision Making Module 2: Information Tools Module 3: Knowledge Management Module 4: Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management Systems Assessment

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ALISON’s Diploma Courses category includes diploma-level courses in a variety of professional subjects, such as project management, business management and entrepreneurship, HR, web design, psychology, customer service, programming, social media marketing, children’s studies, nursing and patient care, social work, IT management, statistics, mental health, Six Sigma, teaching skills for educators, carpentry, supply chain management, international tourism, and PE. These diploma-level courses will give the learner a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Upon successful graduation, the student will have gained valuable skills and training that will greatly enhance employability and career prospects. The category also includes an innovative work-force re-entry skills advanced diploma that will be of interest to anyone re-entering the workforce after an extended absence.

Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management Systems Course
