Certificate in GMAT Preparation Online Course



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Start Now To Learn GMAT Preparation Applying to graduate business and management schools usually means taking the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test). Our GMAT Preparation Course is a must. Taking this course will provide you with test-taking techniques and methods for improving your score and saving time on all GMAT question types. You'll review the more familiar questions and learn how to approach question types that may be new to you, like critical reasoning and data sufficiency. In the verbal lessons, we will discuss how to do your best on reading comprehension questions, sentence correction questions, critical reasoning questions, and the analytical writing assessment. In the quantitative lessons, we provide a comprehensive math review and techniques for tackling both problem solving and data sufficiency questions. You will practice on actual GMAT tests from previous years, which is the best way to prepare for any standardized test. Course Fast Facts: Learn GMAT Preparation  Online Course in only 6 weeks Approximately only 2 to 4 hours per week of study is required This course is delivered 100% on-line and is accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone Instructors lead each course and you will be able to interact with them and ask questions You can study from home or at work at your own pace in your own time You can download printer friendly course material or save for viewing off line You will be awarded a certificate at completion of this course How is the GMAT Preparation  Online Course studied? Upon enrolment an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device. New courses start every month to ensure that we have the correct ratio of students to tutors available, please ensure you...



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About this course

Entry requirements Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills. Minimum education Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course. Computer requirements Students will need access to a computer and the internet. Minimum specifications for the computer are: Windows: Microsoft Windows XP, or later Modern and up to date Browser (Internet...

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  • Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Email
  • Approach
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Grammar
  • Writing
  • IT Management

Course programme

There are 12 units of study

General GMAT Test-taking Techniques

You may have heard that you can't study for the GMAT. But that's just not true! There are a bunch of things you can do to prepare yourself, and the more time you spend, the better your scores will be. In our first lesson, you'll learn everything you need to know about the general makeup of GMAT so you'll know exactly what you're getting into come test day. You'll learn how to relax when you start feeling panicky, how to eliminate the wrong answers the tests try to entice you to choose, how to guess when you're not sure of the right answer, and how much time to spend on each question.

Overview of GMAT Sections

If you're not familiar with the kinds of GMAT questions in the different sections, you'll know exactly what to expect once we're finished with this lesson. You'll get a taste of the format of reading comprehension, sentence correction, and critical reasoning questions, as well as the analytical writing section. We'll also cover problem solving and data sufficiency questions in the quantitative section and introduce the question types found in the integrated reasoning section. Then we'll go over the information in much more detail in upcoming lessons.

Reading Comprehension: Questions and Practice

You've been reading since first grade, but that's not enough experience to get you ready for the GMAT passage-based reading questions. There's more to these babies than just reading a passage and working through its questions, and after you finish this lesson, you'll have the tools you need to develop your own personal reading strategy.

You'll learn how to glide through even the most sleep-producing reading topics by focusing on what's important and ignoring what's not. Then you'll find out how to eliminate answers that hook other unprepared test-takers and spot the distracters the test-makers use to make wrong answers seem right. After that, we'll steer through GMAT reading comprehension passages that have appeared on past tests to give you a step-by-step approach for getting the most information from the passages in the least amount of time. We'll finish the lesson by practicing these skills on actual GMAT reading questions, and you'll have the opportunity to discuss your efforts with your instructor and classmates.

Sentence Correction: Questions and Practice

The GMAT has some multiple-choice question types (called sentence correction questions) that test your grammar and English usage skills. In this lesson, we'll go over a detailed strategy for tackling each of them. You'll learn what errors crop up most commonly in the given sentences so you can focus your attention on what's important, and you'll find out what questions are best to skip if you notice that you're running short of time. Knowing the rules of grammar is essential to maximizing your score on sentence corrections, and this lesson gives you the goods. But it won't bore you with every grammar rule known (or unknown) to the English-speaking public. We'll only review the rules that are most commonly tested on the GMAT

Critical Reasoning: Questions and Practice

You may not have seen the GMAT critical reasoning questions before. Even though they may be unfamiliar, by the time you've completed this lesson, you'll know just how to tackle them, and they may just end up being your favorite GMAT test questions! In this lesson, we'll review the elements of a logical argument and the major types of inductive arguments you'll see on the GMAT. Then we'll go through step-by-step instructions on how to examine each type of argument and pick the best answer to each question.

Analytical Writing: Assessment and Practice

For years, MBA programs have complained that students don't know how to write. So you're going to give them a sample of the way you write before you even get to graduate school. If the thought of writing a complete analysis of an argument in about a half an hour has you running for the hills, don't despair. Today, we'll go over a specific plan for making the most of your time so you can prove to the admissions committee of your favorite graduate program that you can put your thoughts together in a cohesive and interesting essay.

And before you impress the GMAT essay readers, you'll get a chance to wow your peers. During this lesson, you'll compose sample essays and share them with your instructor and classmates for review. You'll also get the chance to read what other test-takers write and provide them with your enlightened commentary!

Arithmetic and Algebra Review

You learned arithmetic in grade school, but you may have forgotten some of the basics that you'll see on the GMAT math. Don't worry, we'll review all the essentials in this lesson. We'll go over a lot of the things you probably remember, like how to perform multiplication and division, as well as some of the things that might be a little fuzzy, like exponents and fractions. The GMAT also tests your knowledge of standard algebra. We'll go over variables, factoring, and a whole bunch of other fun stuff so that you know exactly what you need to answer the many algebra-related questions the GMAT has to offer.

Geometry and Advanced Mathematical Concepts

This lesson covers linear geometry, geometric shapes and measurements, coordinate geometry, statistics, and more. If you can't remember (or never learned) the difference between mean, median, and mode, this lesson will help you!

Problem Solving Questions

In today's lesson, we'll focus on the most common type of GMAT math question—the multiple-choice question. Through a thorough examination of GMAT math questions from previous tests, you'll learn how to work through all kinds of multiple-choice math. You'll be whipping through the answer choices in no time!

Data Sufficiency Questions

The quantitative portion of the GMAT contains a question type that doesn't appear on any other major standardized test. It's called the data sufficiency question because instead of figuring out the answer to a math problem, you have to determine whether the information provided is sufficient to figure out the answer to the math problem. If this sounds a bit complex, don't worry! We'll go through a step-by-step chart to help you flow through these problems, and you'll get plenty of practice on prior GMAT data sufficiency test questions.

Quantitative Practice

We'll go over a lot of information in this six-week course, and you probably won't remember all of it, even with all of the additional work you put into each lesson. So in this lesson, we'll go back over all of the tips and strategies you'll need to know to do your best on the math questions on the GMAT. You'll also take a practice test.

Integrated Reasoning and Course Wrap-Up

Today we'll cover the newest section of the GMAT: integrated reasoning. We'll also talk about test-taking techniques so you can do as well as possible on the test.

Additional information

Through well-crafted lessons, expert online instruction and interaction with your tutor, participants in these courses gain valuable knowledge at their convenience. They have the flexibility to study at their own pace combined with enough structure and support to complete the course. And they can access the classroom 24/7 from anywhere with an Internet connection.

New sessions of each course run every month. They last six weeks, with two new lessons being released weekly (for a total of 12). The courses are entirely Web-based with comprehensive lessons, quizzes, and assignments. A dedicated professional instructor facilitates every course; pacing learners, answering questions, giving feedback, and facilitating discussions.

Certificate in GMAT Preparation Online Course

Price on request